Monday, September 20, 2010

Jayhawks win the National Championship!!!

Ok since my Chiefs have won two games in a row I am in a very good mood. So good that I've decided to share this little gem with you. This is a video of me watching the 2008 NCAA National Championship. For some reason or another I decided to watch the biggest game of my life at my boss's house. My fiancee Natalie decided to invite her best friend to watch it with us. This girl does not ever watch basketball. Maybe I just needed somewhere quiet to watch the game. Or maybe I just needed a normal size tv. I don't know what I was thinking.  Enjoy!

  • Yes I did rearrange my hat 5 times in the first twenty seconds of this video.  Nervous much.  I have never been more nervous for anything at any other time in my life.
  • But notice how Natalie gives me a strong high five at the 22 second mark.  This girl is a keeper.
  • My face at the 38 second mark is the same face from the ice cream sandwich story.
  • Wow Natalie is actually nervous at the 52 second mark.  
  • At the 1:20 second mark I use the phrase that I use more than any other phrase while watching one of my teams play.
  • At the 1:37 mark I suddenly become OCD and start organizing my wallet and keys.
  • At the 1:57 mark I believe I say GETTTAOOOHHLLLOOOVVIIIITT
  • AT the 2:04 mark I start yelling at the replay.
  • I think the GRRR noise I make at the 2:22 mark is when Mario hits his three.
  • I believe right after that I am talking to Michael Paradise on the phone.
The day after this I didn't go into work and I just sat on the floor in my hole of an apartment and watched highlights of this game.  One of the best nights of my life.  I am pathetic. 
At the 3:07 mark I analyze why Memphis lost this game.


    Yarita said...

    I like this video

    Anonymous said...

    Pass, give me some Happy Sabbath pictures. Even if it is Tuesday, lol.


    Anonymous said...
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    Paradise said...

    Great never-before-seen footage, Big Rich!
    1. I, too, remember when Natalie was still trying.
    2. Dream Weaver's house???
    3. I think we talked between the regulation and overtime.
    4. We watched a game in your apartment that year. I think it was GTech.
    5. It is too bad that you scare Natalie's friends off like that.

    Unknown said...

    Thats pheeeenomenal. It's like me during a Husker championship game...except I usually come very close to hitting my head on a moving ceiling fan.