Sunday, May 31, 2009

My 100 favorite movies

I have decided to list my 100 favorite movies for the next 100 days. They are my favorite movies and they have nothing to do with a list I have read before. There are a couple movies that are coming out this year that have a chance to be on this list but these are my faves as of today. I own all of these movies. You could say that I am a collector. Now you might see a movie listed and think to yourself why in earth is that on the list? Or why is it listed so high? Well thats cause I like that particular movie. I hope you enjoy this.

1 comment:

natalierose said...

I think that in the fourth to last sentence you should have put "...and think to yourself why ON (instead of "in") earth is that on the list?" (just want to help you out)