Sunday, April 4, 2010

Big Rich's Sports thoughts for the weekend

A couple thoughts

1.  Many people say that this is the best time for sports all year.  We have the Final Four, opening night of baseball and the beginning of the season, NBA making a push for the playoffs,  the Masters next weekend, and Union College hockey intramurals in full swing.  I think it's a great time and I am trying to decide how I am going to get through Monday.  How am I going to be able to watch the Royal home opener, my dvd of the Jayhawks 2008 Championship game, and the actual championship game?  Is there enough time?  I'm trying to get to bed earlier here.

2.  Here are some quick NBA thoughts.  I am glad the Zombies/Thunder made the playoffs.  I like Kevin Durant.  I want him to do well.  The New Orleans Hornets need to feel terrible about losing to the Nets.  The Target Center floor is terrible.  I know I have probably said that before but I can't watch the T Wolves play just because of that horrible floor.  It's stupid. 

3.  Baseball starts tomorrow night.  Every year I renew my effort to watch the Royals all season long.  How many people think that I will be able to hang till mid July?  I'm still excited.  Grienke!

4.  Duke is making me believe that they are actually good.  I am very sad that they won tonight.  You can call me a hater if you want.  I don't think that I am.  I just don't wan't them to win.  Here is my prediction.  Butler muddies up the game and slows it down and makes it kinda unbearable to watch.  Duke wins by 13 anyway.  Dang.  If Jason comes up to me with his Jason grin I will be tempted to go ballistic on him.  Which makes me think of something.  You hate the teams that you are around their fans the most.  For example I don't know any K State fans.  I was kinda rooting for them against Butler.  I do know tons of Denver Broncos fans.  Is that why I hate the Donkeys?  Michael do you hate the Broncos or do you hate Drew Meckleburg?  That's right Drew Meckleburg gets a shout out.

5.  You are wrong if you think right now is the best time for sports.  It's second to late October.  World Series, NBA has started, College Basketball kicking off.  NFL going strong.  Nothing better then late October.  Holler at me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DUKE all the way baby!