Sunday, May 16, 2010

Early stuff that you may not have seen. is like the far right section of CVC on Sabbath.  It has a consistently late arriving crowd.  I posted a poll a couple of months ago asking how long people have been looking at my blog.  Many people put that they have been on it since the beginning.  That's hard for me to believe.  But make no mistake I've been putting dope stuff on this thing since day 1!  Ok well maybe not day 1 but probably around day 75 or something.  Anyway from time to time I am going to post some stuff that I have posted before.  I'll make sure its the some of the better stuff.  Here is the first video that I ever posted on this blog.  I think it's funnier now then it was then.  During the filming of this video I was high as a kite.  I'm not sure if you would be able to pick this up by just watching.  I remember right after I made this video I listened to Coldplay's Strawberry Swing on repeat for two hours.  Like I said I was high.  I hope you enjoy.


GAME OVER said...

Haha. Pretty funny. Also, I think the facial hair is a good look for you.

YCY said...

Was that the only medication that made you "high"? Were you taking several kinds of medication? I once took some meds that had me hallucinating. I saw rabbits jumping on my bed while I was under the sheets. I also saw a tall cowboy standing in the door frame of my bedroom. I was so scared! It was pretty crazy. Needless to say, I stopped taking the medication.

You look pretty out of it in that video.

Anonymous said...

I remember this video Rich! So now im sure i saw your blog from the beginning! Although, i didnt visit the blog as much as i do now though. And, this video of you reminds me of Will Ferrell in Anchorman when he lost his job and was wandering the streets of San Diego, dazed and confused, and his facial hair was going crazy, lol.


Yarita said...

TIA YARA SAW BUNNIES!!! LOL!!!! Awesome!!!

Miriam said...

I thought the tall cowboy was my favorite part.

Paradise said...

I would love to see Doc Young in a cowboy hat...but I've never heard her refer to the twins as 'bunnies'