Monday, September 17, 2012

I don't know much is the thing.

When I was younger I never dreamed of being 29 years old.  It's not like being sweet sixteen or being twenty one or any other cool age.  It's like the last frontier of youth.  I looked at people that were in their late twenties or early thirties and thought to myself, "wow they are old."  It's only now that I am entering the last year of my twenties, that I think 29 isn't that old. But to most people younger than me I'm old.  To most people older than me I'm young.  It's an age that you can do many things and you have your whole life ahead of you, and its an age that you are supposed to have finished your days of being a kid.

I know I didn't imagine this kind of life for myself.  When I think back to my senior year of high school I don't think I was planning on living in Lincoln Nebraska for the next ten years of my life.  I'm sure I was planning on being with the girl I was dating then.  Doing what, I don't know.  I was either thinking of what I would be doing in college or what life would look like twenty years down the road instead of ten.  I have learned some things in these 29 years of life.  Since graduating from college and entering the so called "real world" I have learned that at 19 I didn't know much. Embracing the fact that I don't know anything instead of thinking that I know a lot, is much better.

Since I don't know very much I found it is easy to list the few things that I do know.
Here they are:
  • Family is the thing.  When it comes down to it you will have friends that are closer than a brother.  But family is what sustains us.  Our families are the ones that truly love us.  When you are in college you believe that your friends will be with you until you die.  You believe that these friendships are forever.  But as time goes by the friendships that you made seem like fond memories and the tangible things that remain is the love of your family.  I am so happy that I can call my brother and sister friend.  I am so happy that I get to see my parents as much as I do.  I am so happy with the success of my family members.  When it is all said and done they are my closest friends and I know they love me.  
  • It is good to be a twin.  There are a few people that understand me.  I'm glad that my sister is one of them.  It is her birthday today.  I'm not going to tell you how old she is because that is rude.  I couldn't be more proud of her.  She has truly used all the potential that God has given her. When we were younger we both planned on being doctors. Seriously, I was going to be an emergency room doctor and she was going to be a boring doctor. I tried to keep the charade up. It ended around my sophomore year of high school when my grades became pretty good and her grades became stupit good.  When we graduated from college they announced at the graduation that Miriam had gone through Union College and received nothing less then the mark of "A" in all of her classes.  People would say that she was the smart one and I was the funny one. But if they hung around us for a long enough time they realized that she was funnier than me because she didn't have to try to be funny.  As I was standing in the corner performing like it was open mic night, she was having real conversations with people and getting real emotional laughs.  As successful as Miriam is, she doesn't brag about it. If I was a doctor, you'd never hear the end of it. Miriam is my best friend/role model/twin sister. I love you Miriam.  
  • If family is the should kick it with them.  I think the biggest mistake I ever made was to go to my girlfriend's house for Thanksgiving.  My mother warned me not to go.  She told me that once you are married you have decisions to make when it comes to the Holidays. You go to your folks house and then the next year you go to your in laws house. Before you are married there aren't any decisions to make because you need to go home. She was right. I wasted a Thanksgiving by not going home to kick it with my folks.  Instead I went to a house of people I really didn't know that were related to girl that I wasn't going to end up with. They were a really nice family. But like I said "Family is the thing". They didn't know me. 
  • Marry someone who loves you and is like Natalie. Natalie is the thing. My wife appears on this blog once in a while. I would like her to appear on here more than she would like to. And if it was up to her she would be on it about 40% less then she is now. It bothers me, but I love it. I love the way she is. I love how many flips she gives (zero). I love how beautiful she is and how she doesn't care if everybody thinks that it's so. I love how private she is. I love how she treats me. Ed and I covered this topic here. You might read that thing again cause it is funny. When people hang out with Natalie and myself they always laugh when Natalie says something to me that lets me know that she isn't amused by my antics. They appreciate that she doesn't fall for my attention getting schemes. They respect how she doesn't fake it. I do to. I love her for many reasons. One of the main ones would be how committed she is to loving me and how committed she is to our marriage. Going in to our marriage we both realized that marriage is the thing. We aren't the thing and how we feel isn't the thing but marriage is. It is perfect and we are not. It was important to us from the beginning to respect our marriage. It has been a good idea. We have both messed up. But we have both stayed committed to the love we have for each other and the love we have for our marriage. They are two separate things but equally important. Natalie Rose Young...that's my heart. 
  • Union College is the thing.  If you haven't figured that from this blog...then you really aint about nuthin.
  • My friends are the thing. Thank yall for being my pal. Thanks for standing up for me. Thanks for holding me down. Thanks for being there when I needed a word. Thanks for callin me out when I needed to get my junk together. 
  • Seaching for God through Jesus is the journey...also the thing.  We will never arrive. It isn't a destination. Sounds like a cliche. But I realize that I don't know anything and God knows everything. This realization has led me to see that I should trust Him and get to know Him as best I can. As I learn more about Jesus I am realizing how much He loves me. I realize how much I need Him along with the Holy Spirit. I realize that these things are of little use to me I don't seek out a real relationship with Jesus, every day. 
  • The Chiefs will never win anything.  I need to give up. This is something that I know.
Notice I didn't say anything about children. Know why? Cause I don't know anything about that.  I guess that's next.  Thank yall for supporting me by reading this blog...I"m old, this much I know.


Miriam said...

I love you too buddy! You're my pal! I'm so glad you chose not to become a boring doctor, if you had we wouldn't have all learned to love picnicking cause you would have been tired and grumpy all the time. Hope your b day is the best. Love you stinky.

Miriam said...
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Miriam said...
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Unknown said...

Well said & well expressed. You already know you got lotsa love&respect from ya boi, JB. I definitely look forward to seeing you more and getting to know you better now that we both be haulin the enrollment! Speaking of knowing nothing much about everything...yeeeeah, that's def. me. :)

YCY said...

I love everything you wrote. When your mother reads this I am sure it will make her proud because it was beautiful!

Logan said...

You old hahahahaha! I'm just a spring chicken!!

Jonathan said...

The Chiefs will rise again, just like the Bills...Have Faith! Also liked the rest of your post, especially the part about family!

Heather said...

I think this is one of the best pieces you've ever posted on your blog. Well, in my opinion. I mean, who doesn't love cats? Thanks for sharing your thoughts and paving the way for the rest of us who will be 29 soon enough. One day at a time. Oh, and congratulations to you and Natalie!

C.Guty said...

Love what you wrote about your sister!

Open Air said...

This is beautiful, Richard! What you've said is, oh, so true. I think you know a lot. :) Happy B-day!