Sunday, December 1, 2013

Take time

As the holiday season is kicking into full swing i'm reminded of how much I enjoy just being among my family. I want my life to be made up of times I am able to just be there with my family and friends doing nothing but being there.
When I was a boy in my father's family we visited relatives for our family vacations. We would drive hours upon hours straight just to be with the people that we loved. On one trip we drove from Atlanta Georgia to Freeport Maine in one day just to be with friends that we considered family. My dad drove all but two hours of the 26 hour trip. We did this because we love our family. And we wanted to spend time.
I am lucky enough to have married into a family that feels the same way that I do. Natalie has five brothers and sisters and all she wants is to be with them. I love nothing more then to spend time with my parents, brother, and sister. I also have a family at Union of friends that I just want to be around. Not necessarily doing any one thing in particular, just sitting and laughing, teasing and playing. These are the moments that fill a happy life. I want Nola to get to know these people. I want her to love them.
I heard a preacher once say that God created us to enlarge the circle of love in this universe. He created us to love us and for us to love him. That is why we added a child to our family. To add love.
I hope your holiday season is awesome and that you get all the love that you need.


YCY said...

Family and friends are blessings from God to us. He has blessed us to overflowing.

Elissa Lombard said...

This is great.