Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Poem by H.M.S. Richards

How the changing years have found me
Far away from thoughts of home.
Now no mother bends above me
When the time for sleep has come.
But it brings my poor heart comfort
And it gives me peace within
Just to think that I am little
And my mother tucks me in.

As I kneel there with my brother
By the bed above the stairs
And I hear our gentle mother
Saying, "Boys, remember prayers."
Then she comes and kneels beside us.
"Father, keep them from all sin."
Oh, her kiss is  tender, gentle,
When my mother tucks me in.

When at the last the evening finds me
And the day of life is done.
All the things of earth that bind me
Shall be broken one by one,
Then, O Lord, be thou my comfort.
calm my soul, thy peace to win.
Let me fall asleep as gently
As when Mother tucked me in.

1 comment:

YCY said...

This made me cry.