One year ago today I was sitting in my basement on a Friday night. Natalie was at work and when the cat's away the mice will play. That is the night that was born. You can go back and see what I said. I really didn't have a big vision of what I wanted the blog to be. I just knew that I wanted to write some cool stuff and post some cool pictures. I didn't know how to post videos. Right now I would like to thank some people for their contributions to Big Rich's small world. Natalie Young for trying to be my editor and friendly critic. Miriam Peckham for being the inspiration and for the tips on how to post stuff. My mom for reading this mug every day of her life. Michael Paradise for the material and the encouragement that this was "a good thing". Taleah Valles for being the first person to leave a comment on this mug (she commented on my first post). She also has a dope blog herself. All the haters for adding the fuel to my fire. The kicks for being fly. Saturday Night Live for being 60% of this blog according to Kati. The words "Dope" "Mug" and "Oh Snap" cause without you I wouldn't be able to describe anything. All my regular commenters that keep this thing going, you know who you are. I respect it. All the stupid people around the world for getting caught on video. And all my regular readers. It seems like every week I am running into someone who I would never think would read my blog who does.
I actually put a lot of time into this and I my hope is that most people will be able to find something that they like or think is cool. I know I am probably the only person that likes everything on this blog (I choose everything that goes on here). But I really try to keep it interesting and new. If you find yourself embarrassed that you read this thing I have advice, don't be. This blog is internationally read. I have had readers from Korea, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, and Buffalo New York. This mug has readers from coast to coast. I am really proud of that. So on my blog's first birthday I just want to say thank you from all the staff here at Tell your friends about this thing cause we just finished teething and we are going to try potty training in year 2. Howla!
Buell Fogg finds the blog highly entertaining and intellectually stimulating. He hangs breathlessly on every entry.
Happy Birthday loves to!!! May you have many more birthdays in which you will keep us at the edge of our seats, laughing, crying, embarrassing Richard's mother, and just making us happy. May this new year be even better than last year. I like this Mug. Oh snap!
Congratulations on a strong'm sorry, I got distracted by the fact that YCY said oh snap.
Maybe they'll turn this mug into a movie like Julie and Julia.
congrats. it's still my second favorite blog but it's moving up fast. -ed
HOLY CRAP!!! she said MUG too!!!
Don't worry Yarita. I do not talk that way. I did it to goof around with Richard on his blog's birthday. It was very hard for me to print those last two phrases. I had to get out of my comfort zone to do it. Mark your calendar, because it probably will not happen again.
Michael Paradise, sorry that I distracted you.
happy birthday bud!
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