Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Can be generous

I really have no idea what to say about this.  We all "can be"  generous. It would have made me feel better about myself if it would have said "is generous".
I think many times we get impressed with ourselves when we do something that is easy.  If we are nice to people that are nice to us we think we have accomplished something.  If we treat people well that treat us well it doesn't really mean too much.  We love to get credit for doing things that really weren't inconvenient for us at all.
I don't know what makes someone generous.  I have a feeling that it is something that you have seen in someone that you want to emulate.  My family is very generous.  My Grandparents would give us gifts but not when we expected them, and they tried very hard not to spoil us.  My uncle is one of the most generous men that I know.  My dad has modeled generosity for as long as I have known him.  These men have shown me what it is to love their family.  I think that true generosity comes from a loving spirit.  My wife would like to tip every person who serves us at a restaurant $40.  She is as loving as they come. I on the other hand like to be generous to show someone that I care about them.  I might be a little more cold hearted then my wife.
What I'm trying to say is that it's good to be generous and loving to people that we care about, but that really isn't that hard to do.  What makes a difference is if we are generous and loving to people that we don't really like or get along with.  If we do things because it is the right thing to do and not just because it is easy to do.
Also I didn't really know what write about this.  Don't ever come out to eat with my wife and I.  She will make me pay for your meal.


C.Guty said...

Red Robin with you and Nat when I return!? ;)

Unknown said...

HA! Love it.