Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Buell brings his insight to the first night of the tourney.


Unknown said...

I was told that Midland is WAY better than they played last night. I was also told that they aren't that aggressive of a team. So, I sat down with some of Midland's starters and gave 'em the "Mrs. Murrill & Mr. Seltman Basketball Tips" run down on how to be more aggressive and hustle, hustle, hustle! Cuz, let's get real. The team that's going to win this whole shindig is the one with the most heart and the most aggression...oh, yeah, and the one that doesn't bring that weak stuff. TRUTH.

Now let's go get 'em, MAA!

Melissa R said...

Man I love that guy.
Don't skip. Don't trip.