This is probably my first R rated movie that my parents let me watch so it jumps all the way to 70. Man I felt awesome that they let me watch this movie.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
RaeLea Don't delete this
I am at Broken Arrow Ranch this week and I just stepped in a huge mud puddle and ruined my shoes. This is frustrating.
Monday, June 29, 2009
#71 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, 1984
This used to be my all time favorite movie when I was a youngster. Harrison Ford was my favorite actor. The part where the guy pulls the dude's heart out was pretty sick when I was a kid. The mine cart scene is sick. The opening sequence is dope.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
#73 Crash, 2004
I am so happy this movie beat brokeback mountain for best picture. That being said this isn't one of the best movies to win best picture. But it is a good movie that is thought provoking. Its one of those movies with several different stories going on at the same time that find their way correlating. It's a little far fetched but entertaining anyway.
Friday, June 26, 2009
#74 Catch me if you can, 2002
I think this was the last Speilberg movie that I really enjoyed. And thats a shame because he has made so many brilliant movies. Its just he hasn't made them lately. Its a story about lying and being on the run. Leonardo Dicaprio did a great job in this film. He acted in this movie right after Gangs of New York. This movie helped elevate him into A list leading man actor jobs. Its a sad movie about a person from a broken home who is very lonely. It came out during christmas time and my sister and I went to see it together and we loved it.
A tribute to the King
I really can't believe he is gone. I love Michael Jackson. His music touched all kinds of people. I remember in college I had a Michael Jackson dvd that had all of his music videos. My boy Paradise would come in in the mornings and we would sit there and watch them and try to copy the moves. I remember when I was younger watching the moonwalker movie. When I was dating my wife I played Michael Jackson in the car when we went on our first trip together. I am truly sad that he is gone. He was a tormented soul and he will be missed. This is a tribute to him.
#75 Wedding Crashers, 2005
Wow three guy movies in a row. This should elevate me to man's man status. This movie shook up the summer of 2005. It was a raunchy comedy that made alot of movie and thats cause it is funny. Its one of those that you can throw in whenever you want and you will always like it.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
#76 Scarface, 1980
This is every rapper's favorite movie. Its because Tony Montana goes from nothing to a millionaire. He is a hustler and one of the baddest gangsters to ever be put on film. I wanted to be like him until I saw the end of the movie where he gets smoked like a pack of kools. And he is also a pretty terrible person when you think about it. How could you kill your best friend. I mean dang!
A couple of things
The Academy will now be nominating ten movies for best picture. I don't know what to think about that except when I first heard it I was not pumped. And second I drank two gatorades last night playing ball and I sweat so much that I didn't even pee after that. Gross!
Ricky Rubio coming to the NBA
You don't have to watch the whole thing to know that this kid will be ok. Plus its Skynard.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
#77 Friday night lights, 2006
Finally a man's movie on my list. This is a great football movie. When Booby Miles cries to his uncle I feel like crying. This movie makes men cry. The song that is playing in the background is called "your hand in mine" and it is also awesome.
Monday, June 22, 2009
#78 Notting Hill, 1999
Sometimes when I put a chick flick on my list I feel the need to defend myself and my manhood. Well I am tired of doing that. This movie is a chick flick it is funny and I do like it.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
#79 Malcom X, 1992
I love learning about Malcom X. Right now I am in the middle of Muhammad Ali's biography. Learning about his relationship with Malcom X has always fascinated me. I first watched this movie when I was young and I did not understand it. I was very interested in the civil rights movement at the time. If you have not seen this movie you need to take some time and watch it. It is very powerful. It is long and I don't agree with alot of it but its something you need to know about.
#80 Knocked Up, 2007
I laugh through this whole movie. Seth Rogen's first hit.
Here is a funny clip with scene stealer Paul Rudd
Here is a funny clip with scene stealer Paul Rudd
Friday, June 19, 2009
#81 Blow, 2001
My whole life I have always been interested in crime. Blow is all about George Jung and how he was one of the biggest cocaine dealers in the 70's and 80's. Its kind of like Good fellas in the way everything is great at first and then everything catches up with them. Its a good movie with a great performance by Johnny Depp.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
#82 The Lord of the Rings, 2000's
I know alot of people are going to be mad that I don't have this higher. And by alot of people I mean both people that read my blog. But I just didn't feel like putting them higher then this. They are all great movies. They just aren't my favorites. Please don't get mad at me.
I'm mad at Dairy Queen
Ok here is the situation. It's summer time. It gets very hot. One of my favorite things about the summer time is ice cream. I love ice cream. If I were to pick my favorite frozen treat on a hot summer's day I would pick a soft serve ice cream cone. I really think ice cream cones are one of the most underrated treats. Everyone wants a blizzard or a creation from cold stone. Freak all of that stuff I just want a good old fashioned ice cream cone. But there is a problem. If any of you know me you know that I have a teeny problem digesting milk products. Ok its not a teeny problem. You have probably heard all the stories. Its kind of a big deal. I have pills I can take but they still leave me with a tummy ache. Does that stop me. No way. This week alone I think I have had at least 5 ice cream cones and it's only Thursday. Not to mention the six slices of pizza I had last night. So if I am going through all this pain to have an ice cream cone I want it to be good. Here is where Dairy Queen comes in. I really don't think they care about the presentation of their cones anymore. It used to be if they messed up on a cone they would throw it away. Not anymore. I see them mess up my cone and then they give it to me. Like I am going to eat it. I have become so upset that I have become the guy that you hate standing in front of you at the Dairy Queen. The guy that makes the people remake his cone and you are standing there thinking "It's just ice cream you idiot." NO! Its not just ice cream to me. I pay to much money to this so called "Queen" to keep getting bootsy cones. Come on people at Dairy Queen have some pride in your craft. Stop giving me the misshapen runny cones. Give me the good cone so I can go home pop a couple pills and keep my wife miserable! Oh yeah one more thing, dipped cones are a scam all they do is make your cone messier. I might just take my business to Colby Ridge and do some scooped cones.
#83 The Sting, 1973
The Sting won best Picture in 1973 and is a great caper movie. Paul Newman and Robert Redford are grifters trying to work the "Big Con". The music in the this movie is great if you enjoy a little ragtime. Also the actor that plays Doyle Lonegan does a great job. I grew up with this movie so I love it. My wife thought it was the most boring movie ever so I don't know what to tell you. Here is a scene where Newman does some card tricks.
Malcom Gladwell
I just finished reading the book "Blink" by Malcom Gladwell and it was a great read. Now that I have finished "Blink" I have read all of Malcom Gladwell's books. Each book was very interesting in it's own way. "The Tipping Point" is about how trends get started. "Blink" is how are subconcious is very powerful in how we make our decisions. And "Outliers" is about what makes the people that stand out from the rest of us so different. You would be surprised to find what that is. I recomend these books for anyone who is interested in business or psychology

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
#84 Do the Right Thing, 1989
This movie is the movie that made Spike Lee Spike Lee. There are definately people that don't like his movies. I am not one of them. For the most part I like his movies. I did not see them until I was a little older which is a good thing. This story is all about one burning hot day in the middle of do or die Bed Stuy. It follows the race relations in the neighborhood. It ends tragically and depressing. If you feel like breaking the heat this summer rent this movie and come inside and check it out. It is a different style of filmaking but don't let that stop you from enjoying the movie.
Monday, June 15, 2009
#86 Matchpoint, 2005
I have watched this movie with several people and they have all hated it. One girl actually was mad at me at the end of the movie. So why is it on my top movies? Well its actually the first movie that I ever went to with my wife who was then my girlfriend. I had been waiting for it to come out for a long time because I had heard it got great reviews. So I asked her to go see it and she said yes! It was an interesting first date movie. If you ever watch it you will find out why. It is a Woody Allen movie and he has his favorite actress in it Scarlett Johansen. Watch it but don't blame me.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
#87 Lost in Translation, 2003
This movie is a favorite of mine because of how sweet it is. I have run into as many people that don't like this movie at all as do. It is a slow moving movie. You don't just throw this in. You have to sit down and enjoy it. Bill Murray is a funny character and makes the movie go. This is my favorite Sofia Coppala movie. She pretty much ruined the Godfather 3 by acting in it so I am glad she has taken up directing instead. Here is a trailer. Watching this movie makes you feel really lonely. I would watch it when I am depressed to just add to it. I don't know why.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
#88 Taxi Driver, 1976
This is the first Martin Scorsese film on my list. He is definately in my top 5 for directors. This movie really put him on the scene. It has a great performance by Robert Deniro. It is a gritty drama and I don't recomend it to the feint of heart. Here is the trailer.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
#90 Ferris Bueller's day off, 1986
Ferris Bueller's day off is one of John Hughes's best films. John Hughes was very popular in the 80's and 90's. He made films like "Sixteen Candles" and "The Breakfast Club". He also had huge success with "Home Alone" and "Home Alone 2". This is my favorite movie that he has made. I love how confident Ferris is. This is a clip of from the beginning montage.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
#91 Zodiac, 2007
I was waiting for this movie to come out for a long time because I am sucha big David Fincher fan. I love every movie that he makes and I think I have seen them all except for the Alien 3. I don't even think you can count that as one of his movies because they changed it after he was done with it. He started off by directing music videos and then he got into movies. All of his movies are dark and tightly directed. His last movie "Curious Case of Benjamin Button was also really good. Zodiac is a good movie if you have time to sit down and view it. It is not an action movie but more of a character study. It is not a thriller but there are moments where you get a little bit nervous. This is a movie that I have to throw in watch again. Great performances from Jake Gyllenhal and Robert Downey Jr. Here is a trailer from the movie.
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Candyman's Hitched

This last weekend was amazing. My boy Polite made Lhorraine London an honest woman. It all went down in Minnetonka Minnesota. The best part of the weekend was just getting the guys back together to roast on each other and play a little ball. When it is all said and done I feel like we sent him off in the right way. I know God will Bless their Marriage because both Michael and Lhorraine try so hard to please him. My favorite photo of the weekend was posted earlier but here are a few more of my favorite photos from the weekend. Peep blog follwer Mariela and the kid Drewbob. Check out my facebook for the rest of the phots. Great weekend that I will remember for a longtime.

#92 The Sandlot, 1993
This movie has to be in any self respecting man's top movies. No questions asked. Here is one of my favorite scenes.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
#93 Reality Bites, 1994
This movie is directed by Ben Stiller and I think its the best one he has directed. I first saw this movie when I was in College. It made getting out of college a little big scary. The soundtrack to this movie is amazing. The movie isn't technically a chick flick but it is perfect for a date. Its one of those movies that you can watch over and over again. This clip has a great song from U2
Saturday, June 6, 2009
#94 Tommyboy, 1995
In 1995 Tommyboy came out and changed my life. Before that all I wanted to do was be Jim Carey. But after that for about two years I wanted to be Chris Farley. This movie is his best one. Its also the first one he was in as a main actor. I watched this movie again the other day and it brought back so many great memories of being a kid watching this over and over again. When I found out that Chris Farley died I was very sad. This is a video of Chris Farley doing a commercial for espn enjoy.
Friday, June 5, 2009
#95 Houseguest, 1995
Out of all of the movies on my list there is no movie that my family as a whole loves more then this movie. This is the movie we would always rent when anyone would come over. Ten Commandments was Sabbath Afternoon and Houseguest was Saturday night. Sinbad is really funny in this movie. Most of you don't know who Sinbad is cause I think this was the last movie he made. The scene where he has to explain gfh is the best. I recomend this movie to anyone who wants to enjoy some clean comedy.
It also has the my favorite line "I'm a Young not a worm &%#@ it!"
It also has the my favorite line "I'm a Young not a worm &%#@ it!"
Thursday, June 4, 2009
#96 The Ten Commandments, 1956
If you are Seventh Day Adventist you have definately seen this movie. I actually looked around for this dvd for a long time. It would not be complete without the best sabbath afternoon movie of all time. I have members of my family that have memorized the whole movie, litterally. Its actually kinda sad. If you haven't seen it wait for a rainy Sabbath afternoon and throw it in. Play the game "how many things in this movie aren't biblical" You will have a great time.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I don't know this guy
#97 The Matrix, 1999
When this movie came out it took over everything. I really liked the first one. I don't think I really get it. This movie played like futuristic noir. It was dark and rainy and had the perfect feel to it. I remember sitting in the theater for the second one and thinking that it was terrible. I didn't even watch the third one. If the last two movies did not suck then maybe this would have been higher on my list. But that didn't happen and those two movies suck so the matrix sneaks onto my list at #97. The scene in the bank was amazing. A visually awesome film.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
When its all said and done these mugs might be in my closet

Supra presents two new colorways in the brands most popular model and Chad Muska’s signature sneaker, the Skytop. While the first colorway boasts a subtle black and white cracked leather upper, Supra works up a flashy interpretation in the second colorway, adding a rasta-like medley of black/green/red with a hint of gold on the heel. Both are now available through the Factory 413 online store.
#98 I am Sam, 2001
My parents rented this movie and my whole family watched it except for me. My sister begged me to watch it. I watched it and loved it. I especially love the soundtrack. It is all Beatles covers. And of course the beatles are my favorite band. We bought the soundtrack and I still love listening to it today. The golden slumbers cover by Ben Folds is still one of my favorite songs. Across the Universe by Rufus Wainright is also in the movie. If you feel like watching a movie to cry check out "I am sam".
Monday, June 1, 2009
#99 Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, 1993
This is a touching movie that gave Leonardo Dicaprio his first great performance. He was nominated for best supporting actor for his role in the film. I bought this movie on the last day of my honeymoon when we were waiting for our flight back to L.A. That has nothing to do with this movie. If first came out in 1993 But I probably saw it for the first time in the early 2000's
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