This movie never had a chance to win best picture because it was up against Titanic. I think any other year it would have had a great chance to win. This movie brought Russell Crowe into the spotlight. After explaining why I like 91 of these movies I am getting tired of defending myself. So with that I will say that this is my 9th favorite movie because of the old school noir feel, the amazing story, and the great acting.
Monday, August 31, 2009
New kicks. What should I do?
So my patent red Supra's came in the mail today. I don't know what to think. My wife thinks they look ridiculous. I am pretty sure my mom will feel the same way. Now I want to know what you think. Should I keep them. Or should I send them back and get a different pair. So you can vote to your left or you can leave a comment. If you don't have a google account just leave a comment under anonymous and then tell me who you are in the comment. Now we don't have alot of time. Whatever I decide I will decide by Thursday morning. So get your opinion in as soon as possible. 

Could be my new favorite video of the year
If you are not a Jay Z fan this will make zero sense to you.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
#10 The Dark Knight, 2008

The first time I ever wrote a blog was back last summer on Myspace. My first two blogs that I wrote were about the movie "The Dark Knight". I had been waiting so long to see this movie. It did not disapoint me. I saw it three times in the theater. There are only a few movies good enough for me to go three times to see. So here it is all the way from the summer of 2008. I wrote this about 4 days after I saw the movie.
I am speechless. Actually if I was speechless I would not be writing this but that is how I genuinely felt the moments after leaving the Edgewood theater at three in the morning on July 18. I got in the car and I turned to my buddy Andrew and I said "Dude, what did you think about it". He replied "I thought it was good". I thought to myself "yes, it was good." But I could not put my thoughts together. I got in my bed and my thoughts were going a million miles an hour. I know what your thinking right now. Cause I am thinking it to. Your thinking Richard shut up your letting everyone who reads this know how big of a nerd/retard you are. I know I am. And I can't help it. The next day I went to see it again with my wife. (It is really cool to say that). When we were driving home we had an in depth conversation about "Batman". She said some things about batman that offended me and I had to remind myself that it was a movie. But she generally liked it so it wasn't that bad. In the days after batman I am still thinking about it. I am sad to say I am experiencing a little bit of post partum depression. If you don't know what that is ask your mom. I feel like I have been waiting for my whole life and now it is over. My feelings went from if I don't see this movie soon I am going to go crazy, to that was the most amazing thing ever, to being sad again. I have decided to turn my madness at people that get to see it for the first time. You see I will never have that experience again (I already saw it). I think to myself "They don't deserve to see it for the first time, they won't cherish that moment as much as I did". Maybe I am just a sad little man. But don't worry this won't last long because the next Bond movie comes out in November. If you still don't have anything to do at night the Royals are still losing. If you are in KC this weekend I am preaching at Bethel come see if I have anything good to say or if I just spend thirty minutes talking about "The Dark Knight"
#11 Die Hard, 1988
Best action movie of all time. No doubt about it. This movie created so many other movies. Like Under Siege is Die Hard on a boat. Speed is Die Hard on a bus. Passenger 57 is Die Hard on a plane. It also created the extremely cool extremely dirty character John Mclaine. It also has one of the best villians of all time Hans Gruber. I watch this movie at least three times a year. When I didn't own it I probably rented it twice a year. My cousin Edui knows this whole movie by heart and can recite it to you with the sound effects. That is not cool I'm just sayin.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
#12 Fargo, 1996
The Coens have made a lot of good movies. They just recently won best picture and director for No Country for Old Men. But this is by far my favorite of their movies which makes it also one of my favorites of all time. When it first came out in 1996 no one really knew much about it. It started getting huge after a while and Frances Mcdormand who plays the pregnant female cop got an oscar for best supporting actress. I like this movie cause it is dark and hilarious. My dad saw it and told me about it. He likes wierd movies so I did not know that I would like it as much as I did. The first time I watched it the woodchipper scene freaked me out. I bought it the very day it came out on dvd and it still is one of my favorites.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
#13 Braveheart, 1995
We are now entering the part of the countdown that is hard for me to write about. Thats because I am a booty writer. These movies are so good that me describing them in words is stupid. So I will just try to give you a little background. This movie won Best Picture in 1995. My parents screened it before they let us watch it. We were surprised when they let us watch it. It was the most violent movie I had ever seen. But it was breathtaking. The scene at the end is one of the most powerful scenes ever. The music is so sad. I used to listen to it when I wanted to be depressed. Usually the more depressed I am after I watch a movie the better. Except for Revolutionary Road. I hated life after that movie.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#14 Casino Royale, 2006
In my opinion the best Bond ever. Bond as a real guy. A real guy who beats up a lot of dudes. I bought Blue Ray for this and one other movie closer to the front. I saw this with Buell and Kathy after flying in from San Francisco.
Casino Royale (Pre-Title Sequence)
Uploaded by NakedBrotha2007. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.
Casino Royale (Pre-Title Sequence)
Uploaded by NakedBrotha2007. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.
#15 Casablanca, 1942
Ok I think this is the last one on my list that people could possibly hate on. But this movie is great. Its amazing. There are so many lines from this movie. My mom always told me that this movie was boring. It isn't. If there was a list of ultimate cool characters Rick Blaine would be at the top of that list. If I was half as cool as Rick Blaine I would be the man. Seriously If you haven't seen this movie invite a girl over pop some popcorn and enjoy old Hollywood at its best. I know nobody is goin to watch these clips. But I had to.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#16 Forrest Gump, 1994
This movie is like comfort food. Whenever you just want a movie to take you back you watch this one. The first time I watched this movie was while I was in the 5th grade. I cried when Bubba died. My favorite line is "I think it was her grandma's dawg". This movie is so great that I don't need to explain why. During one of the last summers while I was in college I was at home for a little while. I always stayed up really late. One night all I wanted to do was watch Forrest Gump. It was the last summer that I lived with my sister. My sister is a very responsible girl and she would always go to sleep at the right time. I remember begging her to watch this movie with me. Finally she agreed to watch it with me and we stayed up forever. I guess some of these movies are so great because of who I watched them with and when I watched them. It could not be truer for this movie.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
#17 Saving Private Ryan,
This is the best war movie of all time. It is one of Speilberg's masterpieces. World War II veterans said that this was the most realistic war movie they had seen. The scene at the beginning is probably the most famous war scene on film. Tom Hanks is amazing and so is the supporting cast. Everything about this movie is incredible. When I first saw it I cried. Then I cried again when Shakespeare in Love beat it for best picture.
Handshake last night
Handshake was amazing last night. A great start to what is going to be an exciting school year. These photos aren't mine. Thanks Scott Cushman. Thats me on stage with the mic. You know how I do. And if you are wondering who the girl is face painting who has been in a few of my pictures thats my niece Azriel. She is a freshmen at Union this year.

#18 Kill Bill Vol 1,2, 2003.2004
These movies came out at separate times but I consider them one movie. They are both different. Kill Bill vol 1 has more action. Vol 2 has more drama. I love both of them but Vol 2 is a better movie. I think I am going to watch them tomorrow after I get back from Inglorious Basterds for the second time. All Tarantino weekend baby. I love these movies.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
So my last post was my 500th post and this is 501. Anyone out there seen all 500 besides my mom and I? Anyone? (crickets)
So here are a couple of things
1. For those of you awaiting my #19 movie you might have to wait till Monday. Why? Cause I don't know what it is. I mean I do and I have it written down in my computer. But I switched computers with someone from work this weekend and i forgot that the list was on there. But maybe he'll email it to me. Don't hold your breath. This will just build the suspense for the final 20. Anyone pumped about that?
2. The school year has officially started. I am excited. Handshake tomorrow night.
3. My wife doesn't work nights anymore. That is good for life.
4. I think I am done with my summer must see movies. Saw "Inglorious Basterds" today. It was great. More to come about that
5. I am tired and I am goin to bed
So here are a couple of things
1. For those of you awaiting my #19 movie you might have to wait till Monday. Why? Cause I don't know what it is. I mean I do and I have it written down in my computer. But I switched computers with someone from work this weekend and i forgot that the list was on there. But maybe he'll email it to me. Don't hold your breath. This will just build the suspense for the final 20. Anyone pumped about that?
2. The school year has officially started. I am excited. Handshake tomorrow night.
3. My wife doesn't work nights anymore. That is good for life.
4. I think I am done with my summer must see movies. Saw "Inglorious Basterds" today. It was great. More to come about that
5. I am tired and I am goin to bed
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
#20 Collateral, 2004
I remember that I went to this movie the friday that it came out. I went with my sister. It was like a 1 oclock showing. I watch a lot of movies early on the friday that they come out. I remember thinking that it was the most intense and awesome move I had ever seen. I took my dad the next night. Michael Mann is my homey. No one is as cool as Tom Cruise.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Will any of these be on my top twenty?
The Internet Movie Database have announced The Top Rated Films of the New Millennium, looking at the 15 films made since 2000 that IMDb users have rated as the best of the new millennium. Usually people are quick to write off the IMDb user ratings as fanboy controlled, but I was surprised to four foreign and three animated films on the list, films from Darren Aronofsky and Michel Gondry, in addition to the expected trilogy and comic book heros
15. Requiem for a Dream (2000)
14. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
13. Spirited Away (2001)
12. The Pianist (2002)
11. The Lives of Others (2006)
10. The Departed (2006)
9. Amélie (2001)
8. Wall-E (2008)
7. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
6. Memento (2000)
5. Up (2009)
4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
3. City of God (2002)
2. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
1. The Dark Knight (2008)
15. Requiem for a Dream (2000)
14. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
13. Spirited Away (2001)
12. The Pianist (2002)
11. The Lives of Others (2006)
10. The Departed (2006)
9. Amélie (2001)
8. Wall-E (2008)
7. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
6. Memento (2000)
5. Up (2009)
4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
3. City of God (2002)
2. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
1. The Dark Knight (2008)
#21 Carlito's Way 1993
This is a movie that sometimes flys underneath the radar. But as you can tell by now it is one of my favorites. Al Pacino is excellent as Carlito Brigante. A guy who gets a second chance at life but gets sucked into the same crowd. Sometimes when I get depressed I watch the last scene in the train station until the credits. Heartbreaking.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
New Playstation 3 slim
Beatles songs for Beatles Rock Band due Sept 9
“A Hard Day’s Night”
“And Your Bird Can Sing”
“Back In The U.S.S.R.”
“Can’t Buy Me Love”
“Come Together”
“Day Tripper”
“Dear Prudence”
“Dig A Pony”
“Do You Want To Know A Secret”
“Don’t Let Me Down”
“Drive My Car”
“Eight Days A Week”
“Get Back”
“Getting Better”
“Good Morning Good Morning”
“Hello Goodbye”
“Helter Skelter”
“Here Comes The Sun”
“Hey Bulldog”
“I’m Looking Through You”
“I’ve Got A Feeling”
“I Am The Walrus”
“I Feel Fine”
“I Me Mine”
“I Saw Her Standing There”
“I Wanna Be Your Man”
“I Want You (She’s So Heavy)”
“I Want to Hold Your Hand”
“If I Needed Someone”
“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”
“Octopus’s Garden”
“Paperback Writer”
“Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”
“Ticket To Ride”
“Twist And Shout”
“While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
“With a Little Help from My Friends”
“Within You Without You / Tomorrow Never Knows”
“Yellow Submarine”
The Beatles: Rock Band comes out September 9.
“And Your Bird Can Sing”
“Back In The U.S.S.R.”
“Can’t Buy Me Love”
“Come Together”
“Day Tripper”
“Dear Prudence”
“Dig A Pony”
“Do You Want To Know A Secret”
“Don’t Let Me Down”
“Drive My Car”
“Eight Days A Week”
“Get Back”
“Getting Better”
“Good Morning Good Morning”
“Hello Goodbye”
“Helter Skelter”
“Here Comes The Sun”
“Hey Bulldog”
“I’m Looking Through You”
“I’ve Got A Feeling”
“I Am The Walrus”
“I Feel Fine”
“I Me Mine”
“I Saw Her Standing There”
“I Wanna Be Your Man”
“I Want You (She’s So Heavy)”
“I Want to Hold Your Hand”
“If I Needed Someone”
“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”
“Octopus’s Garden”
“Paperback Writer”
“Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”
“Ticket To Ride”
“Twist And Shout”
“While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
“With a Little Help from My Friends”
“Within You Without You / Tomorrow Never Knows”
“Yellow Submarine”
The Beatles: Rock Band comes out September 9.
My Brother
If you have never met my brother before then you don't know a great guy. If you meet him once he will remember you for the rest of his life. He is one person that you can truly say that he never met a stranger. My older brother Mike is in the air right now flying to Korea. He will spend a year there teaching english. I am really excited for him but I am also sad that I won't see him for a while. Now I have my sister in southern California and my brother in southern Korea. I live in Nebraska. You couldn't pick three more different locations. My brother is different from most people. I think its a good difference. His life has been more difficult then alot of people his age. But he has his life together more then most people I know. He was at my house this weekend and right before he left I asked him a question. I said "Mike what are you going to do if you get very lonely over there and it is hard to talk to people and you don't know what to do?" He replied "I am going to rely on God". I beleive him. Thats what he does. He relies on God.

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