Saturday, August 22, 2009


So my last post was my 500th post and this is 501. Anyone out there seen all 500 besides my mom and I? Anyone? (crickets)

So here are a couple of things

1. For those of you awaiting my #19 movie you might have to wait till Monday. Why? Cause I don't know what it is. I mean I do and I have it written down in my computer. But I switched computers with someone from work this weekend and i forgot that the list was on there. But maybe he'll email it to me. Don't hold your breath. This will just build the suspense for the final 20. Anyone pumped about that?

2. The school year has officially started. I am excited. Handshake tomorrow night.

3. My wife doesn't work nights anymore. That is good for life.

4. I think I am done with my summer must see movies. Saw "Inglorious Basterds" today. It was great. More to come about that

5. I am tired and I am goin to bed

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