Thursday, December 17, 2009

Top 5 commenters of the Year

Since 2009 is ending I have decided to come up with some lists. You know how I like to give back to my community. In the first list I have looked at all the comments that my people have left on my blog and ranked the top 5 commenters of the year 2009. Honorable mention goes to my mom, Taryn Rouse, Seth Geezy, and Jimmy Phillips.

5. Logan Stout. He has had a hiatus from the blog cause he talks to much but I can't deny him a spot on the list. He usually comments as different people. I think this is an effort to create laughs.

4. J Henny please no chaser. Henny gets the #4 spot on the list because he is a pioneer. He was commenting when commenting wasn't in. He commented early and often. He commented when he shouldn't have. I have respect for the kid.

3. Mikey Dice 2X as nice. He would have been ranked higher but during the summer he wasn't commenting. So that means he drops. Dude was just lazy. His best comment has to be on the "What if" post check it out. That mug was too funny.

2. Ed "No Look" Mejia. Lets just say that it's been a good year comment wise for Ed on the blog. He has gone for the quality not the quantity. His comments make me laugh. Really tough to not put him in the top spot. I decided against it because he is a mexican Raiders fan. I am now actually thinking of dropping him from this list.

1. Ferrari F 50. Like my man Vincent Vega says in Pulp Fiction "'s a moral test of yourself, whether or not you can maintain loyalty. Because when people are loyal to each other, that's very meaningful. My man Chase has been loyal to the blog. When I post stuff on the blog there are some things that I love, and some things that I like. For some reason Chase always comments on the stuff that I love. The kinds of things that only someone who knows the intricacies of "Return of the Jedi" can say. He is also consistent in his comments. So with that my man 50 is the #1 commenter of 2009.

If you are thinking of throwing your hat in the ring for next year's #1 commenter here is what I am looking for.
1. Funny
2. Comment alot
3. Cash


Anonymous said...

I told you I'd get back on your blog soon enough.. Can't keep Log out the mix too long. I'm tight.

Anonymous said...

It's ok. This is only my second favorite blog. BURN! - Ed (#2)

Unknown said...

Honorable mention. I'll take it. Next year, I will win. My advice? A two-team teaser for me as commenter of the year for 2010 and the Chiefs winning the AFC West. MARK IT DOWN.

Anonymous said...

Finally all my hard work pays off... This is truly the greatest honor I've ever been bestowed. I've noticed the posted pictures of me are: in the kitchen, wearing glasses, and usually looking like a landlubber... None of those things happen frequently. Holla, Rich. Keep it up.


Miriam said...

Wow. So after commenting a million times I don't crack the top 5? Not funny enough for you Zer? Hate.

Anonymous said...

So thrilled with my Honorable Mention! I'd like to thank God, the academy and of course my brotha from another motha Mr. Richard Young. And I'd just like to say that Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time.


Paradise said...

Top 5 Re: The Top 5

5. YCY got snubbed
4. I don't think Ed is Mexican
3. I get it...Logan is trying to make jokes!
2. Miriam is not funny.
1. Chase deserved it, cuz that 'landlubber' is making some serious eggs.

Anonymous said...

You know a word has truly made it when Don Paradiso is heard using it. Two enormously flattering remarks in Big Rich's Small World. Best day of my life...


Anonymous said...

I think next year I have a good chance of overtaking Chase for the top spot for 3 reasons:

1.) Chase has a girlfriend who requires his love, affection, and most important of all, time. I, on the other hand, have no girlfriend, nor can I foresee any situation in which I would have a girlfriend.
2.) Chase has places to go, people to see. I rarely leave my bed and I have nobody to see.
3.) Chase is in school and also has a job and is motivated for success in his life. I count it as a success if I work 10 hours at my internship that week. This therefore leaves me with ample time to peruse the internet and look for witty, knowledgable and insightful things to put into my comments. Actually, thats probably expecting too much of myself. Lets just say the sheer volume of posts will overwelm you.

-J. Hen

Anonymous said...

Justin is the world's greatest hype- man/friend... I do love a challenge though. Me and J going toe-to-toe next season!
