Saturday, July 31, 2010

If Jeezy's paying Lebron I'm paying Dwayne Wade! (Empire State of Mind)....Yowit, look at dem Rigs Boooooyyyyyyyyeeeeeee


Melissa R said...

Look at you and your mad photography skills!

Yarita said...

hey whats the name of the restaurant you ate at in Little Italy... cuz it looks JUST like the one I ate at when I went there... our waiter looked like Fred Astaire

Yarita said...

oh and hey everyone... could you vote for me???

Rich you wanna help me out... and tell some one bout it???

Miriam said...

wow - these pictures are amazing! How did you do the aging effect on the photos?

Melissa R said...

I got your back, Yara! Voted! :)

Paradise said...

1. That Vodka sauce, boyeeeee!!!
2. Natalie has to quit it with the sunglasses already! Sheesh!
3. Tell me you ate at that Nathans...they got the french fries with the little fork!
4. How come Natalie never smiles when she's shopping for sunglasses? She is pretty serious about shopping, isn't she?

lilly ruth said...

1. great shot

4. Yum...what in the devil is this???

8. Cake Boss Shop???

9. tell Nat she has sun glasses on her head, she can send these to me.

10. Did you see Feebee at the bottom of these stairs?

14. cuuuuuUUte!!!