Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
March Madness
March madness is here. This is what I live for. Sports. Love them. Every year at this time I experience this nervousness that I have right now. This year is the first time I can experience this as a married man. The first time KU lost a game while I was dating Natalie was quite an interesting moment. When I say interesting it means I probably acted like a jerk. My sweet wife did not understand why I was so upset over a game. I went on to explain to her that this game meant so much because in the NBA you have 82 games so if you lose 1 it’s not that bad but in college basketball you only have about 35 games so if you lose 1 game that you aren’t supposed to it is a big deal. We had this conversation in the Rees Hall lobby. She thought I was crazy and I thought that she just didn’t understand. But I as I look back at it maybe I am the one that just didn’t understand. Sometimes I see fans of the same team that I follow not get as upset as I am when our team loses. This makes me a little upset. I think to myself “what is wrong with these people”? “Don’t they know that this was a huge game that we just lost”? I then go on to think of them as bootsy fans. My buddy and I were talking and he is just as big as a sports fan as I am and he told me something that I had not thought about. He said “Richard you and I are not normal. Everyone else is normal and we are obsessed and sports take over our lives.” This makes me feel bad for Natalie. She could have married someone who was into something that she would enjoy like gardening but she had to marry someone who loves sports. Maybe she thinks that this is normal. I hope she does. Or maybe I can grow a little bit and put things into perspective. I am always searching for truth and for the bottom line. For a lot of people happiness comes from their sports teams winning the big game. If you are a Pittsburgh Steelers fan 2009 will probably be a great year for you. If you are a dedicated Florida Gator fan then times could not be better. I am a KU fan. Since we won the championship last year it is probably easier for me to say this but if you are waiting for a team to win the big game for your happiness then you are living a sad existence. You might be waiting for a long time. I flipped open the book “Steps To Christ a couple of minutes ago and the second sentence in the book says “Our Father in heaven is the source of life, wisdom, and of joy.” That means to me if you are looking for these three things and you have been looking for them in places other then from God you will be searching for a long time. The odds of your team winning in the big dance aren’t very good. For most fans their team will lose before the championship game. So please don’t use that for your happiness. Instead develop that relationship with Christ and your life will be filled with blessings and happiness. Someone please remind me that I wrote this after the Jayhawks lose in the tournament.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Old UC video
Check out this old promotional video for Union College. I am hooping it up at the 2:51 second mark
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Rachel Getting Married

Last night my wife and I saw the movie Rachel Getting Married. If you happen to be looking for a good movie to see I recomend this one. It stars Anne Hathaway as a woman who has just gotten out of rehab and has to go to her sister's wedding. Hathaway was nominated for best actress for this role. The movie is directed by Jonathan Demme. Throughout the whole movie you don't know if you like Anne Hathaway's character or if you hate her. You feel the same about the sister. The movie's rehearsal dinner sequence was especially interesting because we have all been at these slightly awkward situations when two families are getting to know each other and meeting all the relatives. It takes you back to all the weddings that you have been to where it is such a joyous occasion but you only really know half of the people there. The story made me think about my family. Not because my family is in any way close to the family in the movie but because it reminded me that after it is all said and done our family will always be with us. These are the people that will know you and love you for you whole life. It is extremely important to be close with them and be able to love and forgive them. So check out Rachel Getting Married and tell me what you think.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Diddy did it
This is a video of Diddy on the Ellen Show. I am just sayin if you go off and start wailing on a girl then most likely it isn't the first time you have laid hands on her. There must be some reason that we don't know about that would make Rihanna go back to Chris Brown. Maybe she lost a bet. I don't know. I Think Ellen makes a good point. Tell me what you think. I have been paying close attention to the situation and I will make sure I keep everyone up to date. Why do I care so much about this? Can't really tell you except that I got to know.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Intramural season is over

I have sad news for both of my fans. We lost last night in intramurals eliminating us from the playoffs. The green team beat us in a thrilling game that came all the way down to the last sixteen minutes or so. But If I had to lose to any team it would definately not be that team. I hate losing to them dang! And if you want to crown them you can crown them but they are who we thought they were. They are who we thought they were! AND WE LET THEM OFF THE HOOK! All kidding aside it was a good season and now its time to move on to bigger and better things like hockey intramurals. Losing last night got me thinking a little bit about some of the biggest losses that I have personally gone through in my life time. I ended up making a list of the five biggest heartbreaking losses in my life. I am sure that some of you will know what I am talking about. First off there are some honorable mention losses that didn't quite crack my top five.
Honorable Mention
Chiefs Playoff loss to the Colts in 2006: Ok that was the last playoff loss that the Chiefs had but raise your hand if you actually thought that the Chiefs were going to win that game. Nobody? Thats what I thought.
Championship game losses to Campion 2000,2001: These losses almost cracked my top five. In 2000 our loss was pretty terrible but I was a sophomore and I knew I would get back to the championship game. In 2001 we didn't have anyone who could stop Brit but dang that was close.
Dis House(my intramural squad with Dice and D Force) loss to faculty: Anytime you lose to the faculty team at Union its bad. Especially if its to Ed Mejia.
Bucknell, Bradley: Nuff said.
Chiefs lose 10-7 in playoffs vs Indy: This would have been on my top 5 but just missed the cut. Lin Elliot misses three field goals for a team that had gone 13-3 and had homefield throughout the playoffs. He tried to hang himself after the game but when he tried to kick the chair out he missed.
Midland loses to Ozark at the Sunnydale tournament in 2000: This would probably be #6 We were winning by sixteen points at halftime when a guy who no one has ever heard from since hit three huge threes in a row to bring Ozark all the way back to win the game. We had beat Ozark earlier in the tourney by twenty and were looking to roll to the championship game to face a Broadview team that we had waxed by 14 earlier. We lost, Broadview killed Ozark. The hurt set in.
Logan vs Richard 2008 intramurals: Logan's team beat my team. Humiliating
Ok and now the moment that you all have been waiting for the top 5 worse losses of my lifetime.
#5 1991 World Series Braves lose to the Twins: Many have said that this was the best World Series of all time. As a child of 8 years it is my first remembered series. The home team won each game. My man Charlie Leibrandt gives up the homer to Puckett in game six. What made matters worse is we went to the parade for winning the National league after that and almost got murdered near underground Atlanta.
#4 KU loses to Rhode Island in Second Round of NCAA Tourney:
This was my first KU team that I followed closely. I know 96-97 was supposed to be a bigger loss but I didn't know what was goin on then. I do remember watching the Rhode Island game on sunday morning with my brother and sister. I knew the Paul Pierce led Jayhawks were going to win. But they didn't. It would be years before I would get redemption.
#3 Chiefs lose to Indy in 03 playoffs: This one was bad. If you don't remember this game neither team punted. We had the best offense in the NFL. Priest Holmes, Tony G, Trent Green breaking all the records. Dante Hall with the returns. But what do we have to show for it. NOTHIN!! I watched every Chiefs game that year at a place we called the Chiefs Zone. I have not been back there since that loss. Shook me to the core.
#2 KU loses to Syracuse in Championship game of NCAA tournament: Gerry Mcnamara. Is there anything else I need to say. That was my favorite KU team with my favorite basketball player of all time (Kirk Hinrich). Not only did we lose the game cause some kid hit a billion threes in the first half but after the game Roy Williams decides to go to North Carolina. Oh yeah and a couple years later he wins the national championship while we lose to Bucknell and Bradley. And in the game we took 30 free throws and only hit 12. Did I mention that we lost by 3. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! This game can be blamed on Michael Paradise and the quarter/elevator incident. Ask him about it.
#1 Chiefs lose to Broncos in 1997 Playoffs: You might be wondering why this is the worse loss for me in my entire life time. Well let me take you back to 1997. All year long we had played with Rich Gannon because Elvis Grbac had been injured. We went 13-3 Arrowhead was rockin every weekend. We had an amazing defense. For some reason that I don't know and have never heard about before we decide to give the ball to Grbac for the playoffs. We are playing my most hated team of all time. The Denver Donkeys. The game was a defensive struggle. I remember as the ball bounced off of Lake Dawson's hands in the endzone I knew that I would be changed forever. Earlier that day I had mentioned to my mom that I knew that we were going to win that game and that I did not see any way possible for us to lose. Since then I have never thought my team would ever win a game again. After the game we were in the car driving to a restaraunt and my sister asked me why I was crying. She didn't understand. No one ever understands.
Well that was it. Those were my top five losses. Maybe one of these days when I am feeling good or something good happens to me I will list my five best wins. But until then I am going to go slit my wrists in the bathroom. Have a great day!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Bill Simmons says big things are goin down in K.C.
Q: In Matt Cassel's first news conference with the Chiefs, someone asked Cassel if he was looking forward to meeting Bernard Pollard. Shouldn't he immediately take some of his new money and buy Pollard a new car? The best full circle moment is the fact Cassel would still be a nobody if it weren't for the Chiefs and now he is playing for them. GOD, I LOVE THE NFL!
-- David, Elon, N.C.
SG: I'll go one further -- imagine if we learned Cassel offered Pollard $3 million to take out Brady's knee in Week 1? Would that be one of the five biggest scandals in sports history? It wouldn't be bigger than the 1919 White Sox throwing the World Series, or the college basketball point-shaving scandals in the '40s and '50s … but it would be equally as big as Tonya Harding conspiring to maim Nancy Kerrigan, right? By the way, listen to Monday's B.S. Report if you want to hear me make the case for the 2009 Chiefs as a phenomenal bet at 100-to-1 to win the Super Bowl, thanks to my theory that the success of one team can become a sports colonic for that city's fans, turn them from "glass half-empty" to "glass half-full" and ignite every other team in the city. I see the Royals kicking off things by becoming this year's 2008 Rays, followed by an NBA team moving to K.C. in June or July. Then in September, with the pennant race heating up and K.C. fans already delirious, the Chiefs will charge out of the gate with four straight wins … although there's a sobering moment when Joe Posnanski's head tragically explodes as he's crafting a column trying to put everything in perspective. Just be prepared. Wait, you don't believe me?
-- David, Elon, N.C.
SG: I'll go one further -- imagine if we learned Cassel offered Pollard $3 million to take out Brady's knee in Week 1? Would that be one of the five biggest scandals in sports history? It wouldn't be bigger than the 1919 White Sox throwing the World Series, or the college basketball point-shaving scandals in the '40s and '50s … but it would be equally as big as Tonya Harding conspiring to maim Nancy Kerrigan, right? By the way, listen to Monday's B.S. Report if you want to hear me make the case for the 2009 Chiefs as a phenomenal bet at 100-to-1 to win the Super Bowl, thanks to my theory that the success of one team can become a sports colonic for that city's fans, turn them from "glass half-empty" to "glass half-full" and ignite every other team in the city. I see the Royals kicking off things by becoming this year's 2008 Rays, followed by an NBA team moving to K.C. in June or July. Then in September, with the pennant race heating up and K.C. fans already delirious, the Chiefs will charge out of the gate with four straight wins … although there's a sobering moment when Joe Posnanski's head tragically explodes as he's crafting a column trying to put everything in perspective. Just be prepared. Wait, you don't believe me?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Congrats Mustangs

I was given the honor of coaching the Midland Mustangs Alumni Ladies a couple of weekends ago. It was a good game and we had a good game plan but in the end the Midland ladies ended up beating us by a bucket. Now I wrestled with this loss until I saw what they did to the field during the Mid America Union basketball tournament. Lets just say we held our own against these ladies, and I don't feel quite as bad anymore. Plus give me a couple practices and we take care of business next year. The boys game was a harder pill for me to swallow. You see when you go to Midland you develop a certain amount of pride. Especially when it comes to the basketball court. We have had many good teams but up until this year only one had won the Union tournament. That would be my senior year 2002. Not a big deal. Ok kind of a big deal. Every year the Mustangs and the Alumni talk trash and every year since 2002 the Alumni take care of busniness. 2002 was the last year Midland beat the Alumni. What a coincedence that was my senior year. Well this year the game was close and Midland pulled out the one point victory. It was especially hard on me because I look at the game of basketball as all about having fun. And its not fun to lose. Once again I did not feel as bad later on when I saw what the Midland boys were able to accomplish at the tournament. I was extremely proud about the way they played. The championship game was incredible and Jordan Breyer hit the biggest shot in Midland history. I was so happy for them. The way that both teams won this year was just like the way we both won in 2002. While I was watching the two teams celebrate I got a little nostalgic. That was a weekend that no one will forget quickly. I am happy that I was able to be their to witness it.
Public Enemies

I live my life looking forward. There are always a couple things in the future that I can't wait for. Last summer I was counting down the days before the Dark Knight came out. I always have a movie that I am dying to see. This summer the movie that I can't wait to see is Public Enemies. It stars Johnny Depp and Christian Bale. It is directed by Michael Mann. I am excited to see this film for several reasons. First of all I love Michael Mann films. One of my favorite movies of all time is Heat. Some people find it a little slow moving but I can watch it over and over again. Collateral is also a great movie by Michael Mann. His style is one reason that this movie will look and feel amazing. Another reason I am looking foward to this movie is Christian Bale. I wonder how people will react to this movie in light of the soundbite that came out a couple weeks ago. He is a jerk but I love the movies that he makes. When you add Johnny Depp playing John Dillinger it adds up to performances that I cant wait to see. If you want to check out the trailer go here.

Whats good everybody? Let me be serious. Whats good Mami, Dr. and Miriam. You guys are probably the only people that will ever look at this. But in case you are not my wife or a blood relative I would like to welcome you to my blog. I have been thinking alot lately and I have always wanted to have a forum to speak my mind. And since no one ever asks me my opinion on things I have decided to volunteer it. So if you stop by from time to time you might be able to see or read about the things that are happening with me. Basically what I am thinking about. I find myself interesting sometimes and maybe you will be entertained with what I have to say. If you are not interested in what I have to say then you and I probably don't have alot in common.
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