Monday, July 12, 2010

Five Favorite Directors

Inception is only four days away!  I am so excited for this movie.  The last two movies that I was this excited for were called "The Dark Knight" and "The Departed." If you remember my top 100 movies list from last summer you will remember that both of those movies were in my top 10.  Since Inception is directed by one of my favorite directors Christopher Nolan I thought for the next five days I would unveil my five favorite directors.  But first here are a few directors that I love that didn't make the top 5. 

Michael Mann:  I am really sad to not be able to put this guy in my top 5.  He has made some of my favorite movies.  Heat, Collateral, Ali, Last of the Mohicans, and Public Enemies.  Most of his movies are based in Los Angeles.  L.A. becomes a character in these movies.  Heat is by far my favorite Michael Mann movie. 

Christopher Nolan:  He is a young director but his last three movies were "The Dark Knight", "The Prestige", and "Batman Begins". 

David Fincher:  David Fincher's eighth film will be coming out soon.  With the exception of Aliens 3 all of the movies this former music video director has made have been awesome.  What you don't like Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac,  and The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button?

Clint Eastwood:   Unforgiven, Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River, and Letters from Iwo Jima were all nominated for best picture.  Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby won.

And a few more: Cameron Crowe, Tim Burton, Ridley Scott, Baz Luhrman. 

 #5 Alfred Hitchcock
North By Northwest
Rear Window
Dial M For Murder
The Birds

Those are my favorite Hitchcock movies.  He is still known as the Master of Suspense.  Whenever I am in a throwback mood I throw in Vertigo and watch as Scotty drives himself crazy.  Hitchcock keeps you in suspense without showing you alot.  He keeps you guessing.  If anybody is ever in the mood to  watch an old movie come over to the crib and I'll throw in some old school suspense.



Melissa R said...

Clint Eastwood is an arse. I met him several years ago at his cottages in NorCal and was NOT impressed. It's a good thing you think he's a good director...otherwise he's got nothing going for him.

mastrapa said...

Ali was a WACCCCKK movie! doesn't even deserve mentioning! and i'm gonna guess guy ritchie will be on this list??

Big Rich said...

Guy Ritchie is not on my list. He has made two good movies. The rest of them have been eh.

Anonymous said...

Good list so far.
I have to agree with the ALi hating.
Yeah, I didn't like ALI, and I told you why when I was at it "crib"?...He uses video during some scenes that are period scenes from the 60s and 30s and it weird me out. That scene where ALI is running at night and he used video instead of film made it look like Will Smith jogging in L.A. instead of ALI jogging in Michigan or Zaire or whatever.

BUT, I concur with Christopher Nolan and Hitchcock fo sho. You have good taste in movies my brotha.

JB said...

Good taste INDEED. Too bad my day off from camp is next Monday!! Ugh.

Yarita said...

why do i have a feeling Quentin Tarantino is going to be number 1...