Monday, July 5, 2010

This mug needs a verse from Dise and IPT


Melissa R said...

This. Is. Epic.

Anonymous said...

and nobody thinks I'm gangsta when I roll-up to the club in my Honda CRV. Psssht, whatever.

Nothing about diaper runs to Walgreens in my PJs? Ok.

D CRESS said...

IPT Ill put your Honda up against my Volvo station wagon any day of the week. BOOOM.

Anonymous said...

DCRESS? WHA? You wanna race for pinks, or what homie?

(By pinks, I mean these little cute onsies from Gymboree.)

Holla at me dawg, and I'll meet your Vizolovo anywhere in Lincoln Nebraska (but before 7pm)! Fo real!