Thursday, March 17, 2011

I got the meat sweats.

When Matthew was talking to me about coming to Brazil he asked me if I was a vegetarian.  I told him I wasn't and he got excited.  I did not know why.  Matthew knew something about Brazil that I didn't.  All they do here is eat cows.  I was a vegetarian as I was growing up so like most Adventists I am not a natural carnivore.  That being said I have eaten more cow in this last week then I ever have in my life. It is good.  But I can't eat it every meal.  I get the meat sweats.
Restaurants in Brazil are nothing like those in America.  Like I was saying with my pizza adventure things just work differently here.  Like there is a waffle house on every exit in Georgia there is a Churrascaria on every street in Brazil.  A Churrascaria is a BBQ house.  But not like the burnt ends and beef on bun that this Kansas City kid is used to.  It is meat on sticks.  You sit down and people just start bringing different parts of the cow to your table.  If you want a piece they slice it in front of you and put it on your plate.  And they wont stop coming.  Matthew has a theory that after you eat alot of meat you get sad.  He says there is so much energy in the meat and when are done eating it you are wiped out.  I don't know about any of that but here are some pictures of the first two Churrascarias that I visited.

1.  Tostes family ready to get busy.
2.  meat.
3.  Oh that old thing.  That's just a little Pineapple Juice mixed with some mint.  You wouldn't know anything about that.  Don't worry about it.
4.  meat.
5.  This picture accurately shows how much matthew loves to eat cows.
6.  This waiter found out I was American and came to our table every 30 seconds with more meat.  He was a little to happy about it.
9.  That is a chicken heart.  Matthew ate about seven of them.  I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
10.  Just thought I would show some of the deserts.  Yowit I looked for the fruit del sol (ba pa pa) but I couldn't find that mug.
11.  This is where they cook meat.
12.  Just thought I would show what kind of spread we were working with.


Paradise said...

"Look at him over there with that fried chicken...he loves it."

This makes me miss Cinzetti's. Gotta pop three cream puffs on the way back to the table. Bow-bow-bow!

Jason said...

I'd just like to point out a few things... First off you said like most Adventist... Well that should definitely say like most American Adventists because you obviously haven't been to S. America or even mexico very often. The opposite is true here. If you are vegetarian, you are the weird one who doesn't eat.
-Also, Not to brag, buy you haven't eaten meat or seen BBQ joints until you've gone down to Argentina. If you don't have meat on your plate for every meal, it ain't a meal. Our natural product is cow, Argentina knows meat.