Saturday, December 31, 2011

Top 10 Group pics of 2011

10. LTP turned 2 in 2011.  Photo by Mella

9.  What do we do at LTP?  Sabbath Afternoons at Holmes Lake.

8.  My squad in DC

7.  She had it coming.  Photo by Macy Ray

6.  I love my team.  BK Bridge.  Photo by Justin Albata

5.  Mella graduation.  Photo by Enoc or Ruth or someone

4.  Ugly Sweater.  Photo by JT Carbonell

2nd Annual LTP Picnic.  Photo by ?

2.  As long as I live I will never forget the highest elevation in Iowa

1.  Big Things went down this year.  Dr.  MurMir.  Photo by Zelda

1 comment:

C.Guty said...

#10 - that awkward picture where I am pinching Azzy's elbow... weird!

#7 - Rocks my socks!