Thursday, March 29, 2012

Final Four 2008

I have a certain set of rules that I live by when it comes to watching sporting events, a code of conduct if you will.  These rules are very important to me and have been developed over time through trial and error.

1.  Do not watch big games in unknown places.
I like to watch all of my Chiefs and Jayhawk games in the comfort of my man cave.  There the conditions are perfect.  I have food that I want to eat.  I can be wearing clothes that I want to wear.  The bathroom is just a few steps away.  And my tv is tight.  If someone invites me to their party for a big game I will politely refuse.  I don't know what the environment will be at their place.  I don't know who they have invited.  I cannot be in a place that is out of control while I am out of control.  I'm not trying to embarrass myself at someone else's house when my team loses.  My freshman year of college we watched all the games in our R.A.'s room.  He had a dope tv.  He was a Chiefs and Jayhawks fan.  We had our own little spot.  The next year we watched all of the games at my girlfriend's sister's apartment (think about it).  It was known as the Chiefs zone.  That year also happened to be the Chiefs best season in the last 15 years.  The next year I wasn't dating that girl anymore so we had to scramble to find a new place to watch the games.  We chose poorly.  The season was terrible.  Hence the creation of the rule.

2.  Do not watch big games with fans of the other team
As you get older you get angrier and bitter over the fact that your team loses all the time.  But when you are young you still think you have a chance.  In college you have buddies who are fans of different teams. They want to watch the game in which both of your teams are playing each other together.  Someone will walk up to you and say "OH SNAP KU is playing such and so.  You know that's my squad.  I'm watching that with you".  You stupidly agree.  The game is ruined because now not only do you have to worry about your team playing like a dead cat but you have to worry about this guy trash talking you all game long.  Now if someone comes up to me and says "OH SNAP I'm watching that game with you!"  I say "Nope".  Then I walk away.  Because I'm sure that person would rather watch the game in comfort then watch the game with me trying to strangle them cause they are talking to much.  If the Chiefs ever go to the Superbowl I will watch that game in my basement with Izaby Da Baby.

3.  Do not watch the big games with casual fans of your team
I love my sister.  She is a great person.  I never want to watch a big game with her.  Why?  Cause one time I invited her to the Chiefs zone for the Raiders game.  It was me, Michael, Mark, Alyssa Seltman, and my sister.  The Chiefs won the game in the last possession.  It was a thrilling game.  But I wouldn't know cause I was so angry with my sister for talking loudly with Alyssa the whole time about boys or clothes or music or something that has nothing to do with Raider hatred.  She was never invited back to the Chiefs zone (love you buddy).  Casual fans always seem to be the most outspoken while watching games.  The say stupid things because they haven't been paying attention to every little detail of every little game leading up to this big game (they have lives).  I know everything there is to know about my teams so I can't handle it.  I realize that all of these rules make me a pain.  But is what it is.

Now that you have seen all of my rules let me tell you that in 2003 I broke all of them during KU's Championship run.  The North Carolina game on Saturday night is probably the biggest game of my life.  I have never been more nervous.  I have never been more excited for a game ever.  I was trying to figure out where I would watch the game.  My dad had just bought a huge tv so I tole my buddy Logan (fan of a rival team) to ride with me to Kansas City to watch it.  We got there on Friday night.  We went to church.  I nervously smiled at everyone and then I posted up in the living room for the rest of the day waiting for the game to begin.  So as you can see I went against some of my rules.  To be fair Logan was a perfect gentleman that night. I think he was secretly a closet Jayhawks fan back then.  The game was the most incredible game ever.  Kansas came out to a 40-12 lead.  UNC cut it to 3 but then Kansas pulled away and won by 20.  I have never been happier.

The Championship game was the happiest moment of my life (besides my wedding a couple months later, love you boo).  For some reason I decided that my tv was again to small to watch the game on.  I was mentioning this at the office that day and my boss Rob Weaver heard me and invited me over to his house to watch it.  I said yes.  I don't know why I decided to watch the biggest game of all time at my boss's house but I did.  And it is a good thing I did because he captured this awesome video of me going nuts during the game. My wife who was my girlfriend at the time and didn't know that I was actually crazy yet decided to invite her friend.  I remember before the game starting I told Natalie that her friend better know that I was going to yell at her if KU lost.  Natalie felt free to let me know that if that happened that it would not be ok.  Mario Chalmers hit the shot of eternity and the Jayhawks won the National Championship.  The next day I didn't go to work.  I just sat in my house and watched coverage of the game all day.  This weekend is the next game of the Final Four for KU.  Rock Chalk Jayhawk.


C.Guty said...

Bahahaha I wish I was there to watch the final game with you!

Logan said...
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Logan said...

How does our trip to Prospect not make this story!!??