Friday, September 18, 2009

Blog Spotlight of the Day: Sethboy

Today my blog spotlight is on one of my road dogs Seth Geezy. Seth and I had a troubled relationship from the start when we were lab partners in physics. Yes it is true Seth and I were in college at the same time. Does that make me seem young, or make him seem old? Lets just say that the Lab did not bring us closer. I think he had a problem with me making him do all of the work and then taking credit for it. But thats all water under the bridge now. Right Seth? You know you are struggling in a class when you are taking the test and you are done in thirteen minutes and then you look around and everyone else that is taking the test is still on the first page. So then you sit around and wait so it doesn't look like you finished that much before everyone else. There was only one other person in that physics class who was on my same level of knowing nothing about physics. That was the kid Groenoweg. We would give each other the signal and leave a good half hour before anyone was close to being done. After that we would be the roadies for the Union College Basketball team. Hey Seth thanks for having my back when that huge farmer dude wanted to beat me up for cheering really loudly for Union. Oh wait when I turned around you were running for the exit. So I guess we shouldn't be friends at all. We did take that STOP class together. So thats good enough. Seth is my boy and by the way

She said yes! HOWLA!

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