Friday, September 25, 2009

Blog Spotlight of the day: Supercool Beans

Today I want to focus on my boy Mike Beans. If I was to blame anyone for my ankle surgery I would have to blame him. Cause it was after some sick street hoops at the Calvert Rec center courts that I began to feel some pain. But thats behind us cause my boy Mike is in Egypt this year. Yeah thats right. Now you know why you haven't seen as many track suits around campus lately. I was hoping someone would take his Basketball shorts with a polo shirt style and run with it. But no one has. To be completely honest with you I kinda miss the kid. I have no idea what he is doin out there but when I think about it the picture in my mind always goes back to the movie "The Ten Commandments". I always picture him stomping around in mud making bricks, or swimming in the Red Sea. I don't know. So yeah here is my shout out to the only dude I know to fall asleep at a Superbowl party. Holla! P.S. Judging from this picure this dude must be serious about playing the guitar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His blog while in Egypt: