Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Miriam

26 years ago today my sister and I were born in Loma Linda California. It's kinda crazy to turn 26. I think 25 was the last cool age to be for me. After that its just gets bootsier. When you are 26 you are supposed to be grown up. Nobody uses your age as an excuse when you are 26. It would be cool if people would though, "Give the kid a break he's only 26". Don't think I will be hearing that anytime. I guess I have to be responsible for stuff now. Maybe I can wait till I am thirty for that. Growing up birthdays were always a fun time. When my brother had a birthday he got to pick everything that he wanted for his birthday. When I had a birthday it didn't really work like that because my sister and I had to share it. I don't remember any fights about it because for the most part my sister and I felt the same way about alot of things. We usually liked the same kinds of food, movies, music and friends. I remember the first time I ever had a birthday without her and it was actually a really sad day. It was the first year that she went to medical school and I was still here living in Lincoln. That was the saddest birthday that I have ever had. Since we haven't been together for our birthday since college I always remember the good ole days when we had the birthday cake together. So Happy Birthday Miriam. I love sharing my birthday with my best friend.


Miriam said...

awww, thanks buddy! I love you too! And I love sharing birthdays with you. It's kind of a bummer when we can't share the day together, but I'll be thinking of you! Love you,

Anonymous said...

Your mother must be so proud of both of you! I bet all she is doing today is thinking about the both of you and how blessed she feels that God gave both of you to her.

Happy birthday to the both of you!! Remember to thank God for giving you life.