Monday, March 7, 2011

The Birthday Mailbag

Yes it is the 2nd birthday of today.  Some of you remember when it had the blogspot on the end of it.  In order to celebrate this crazy occasion today I thought I would do one of my most famous mailbags.  Thanks to everyone for sending in all of those questions. 

Earl from Louisville Kentucky wants to know dude I love lovestopicnic.  This year I am going to have my own lovestopicnic picnic when you have yours and I am going to video it and take pictures and send you that stuff so you can have it.  I am even doing a blow up doll of Logdoinlog wearing jorts.  I am so pumped. 

Big Rich:  I was going to tell you that that isn't a question but that is the most awesome idea I have ever heard of.  Send those pics my way homey!

Regina from Muscatine Iowa wants to know how has lovestopicnic evolved and grown in the last two years?

Big Rich:  Excellent question Regina.  Like I have mentioned before when I started LTP it was more of a forum for fly kicks and cat pics.  As you can see I have now added obscure hip hop videos from the mid nineties to its formula for success. 

Clark in Texarkana Texas wants to know why is it that there are alot of the same people in your photos?  Why can't there be any pictures of me? 

Big Rich:  Clark, I don't know you homey.  Odds are that if you lived in Lincoln and we kicked it all the time you would have a chance to be on this blog.  But you live in Texarkana which is just about a mile from Louisiana.

(Go to the 24 second mark) But you do bring up a good point.  The people that are on this blog alot are the people that I kick it with all the time.  Since I am the one taking pictures for this blog those people get on alot.  But here is a hint for anybody that wants to have a picture on LTP.  Come and sit next to me when you see me with my camera.  Say something nice about LTP and please believe I will think that you are the most awesome person in the world.  I will then take your picture and frame it and put it in my house.  My friends have figured out that there are two ways to my heart:  Saying something nice about LTP, and Silk Milk. 

Jerry in Long Island New York wants to know dude I heard that you were married but I don't ever see you with your wife.

Big Rich:  Jerry thats an honest statement.  To tell you the truth the reason you don't see me with my wife is that you don't live in my house.  I'm going to let you in on a little secret.  One of the reasons that I fell in love with my wife is that she isn't like me.  And by that I mean that she isn't a shameless attention seeking self promoter.  She is amazing.  If she was like me I wouldn't like her.  She doesn't need the limelight cause she know's she's tight. Unlike people like me who need constant validation (yall need to keep commenting on this blog) Someone once said this about her "I think Natalie is cool because at her core she doesn't give a flip".  Truer words were never spoken. 

Kelly from Las Vegas Nevada wants to know are you seriously sad that you are going to Brazil during the NCAA tournament?  You are lame.  I hope Kansas loses in the first round.  Actually I hope Kansas gets all the way to the final four and plays in the championship game and you don't get to watch it cause your flight is delayed for two weeks coming back from Brazil.  Then I hope you eat all the ice cream like last year.  That was funny.  Are you excited about the Royals?  When are you and NaTaTa going to have kids?  Can I babysit? 

Big Rich:  Yes I am sad.

Chris from Pierre South Dakota wants know hey I heard that Nelly was in town on Saturday night.  Isn't he a celebrity?  Where was the gossip.  I googled "Nelly Lincoln Celebrity Hot Gossip" and I got this website.  I don't see anything about Nelly.  Do you like Nelly?

Big Rich:   I'm from the Show Me State, show me seven i'll show you eight.

Eddie in Kalamazoo Michigan wants to know how do you decide what goes on the blog?  Do you have a filter system?  How do you know when Buell won't be interested?

Big Rich:  That's a tought one Ed.  Doing this blog keeps me up late at night wondering if my mom will be offended about anything I have posted.  YCY looks at this thing more then anybody.  So she is my filter system.  And please believe I have gotten some emails when there has been questionable material.  Shout outs to any of my homies who have sent me a warning when I didn't realize that something was bad on here.  To answer your question about Buell you have to know that Buell is the only person I know that will watch every single video that I post on here.  He even watches the ones that I say that he won't be interested in.  And he tells me that I am usually right.  If you are ever bored go to the Buell won't be interested tags and see if there is a certain theme to those posts.

Sally in Tucson Arizona wants to know what is something about you that people might not know that you want them to know about you.

Big Rich:  I'm lactose intolerant.

Fred in Jackson Mississippi wants to know is there a video that you posted in your first year that you really loved and thought personified your blog. 

Big Rich:  There were actually three. 

Craig in Joliet Illinois wants to know I think that you are all talk with this Bieber thing.  I don't even think you have seen the movie.  I want more pics of the doll.

Big Rich:  Some say that confession is good for the soul so I need to say something.  I had planned to watch this movie with my buddies but they kept putting it off.  So I took Natalie to see it (She did not want any part of it but now likes Bieber) hoping that I could keep it a secret long enough that nobody would know and I could watch it with my friends.  But Natalie told everyone on friday night at Buell's.  So cat is out of the bag.  I saw it.  It was dope. 

Phillip in Green Bay Wisconsin wants to know are there any videos that pop into your mind when you think about the second year of the blog?

Big Rich:  There is only one.

Julie in Indianaopolis Indiana wants to know If you could pick one person to look at your blog who would that person be? 

Big Rich:  I think I would want Kathy Fogg to look at it under her own free will at work, also Alana Paradise, Senia Mejia,  And my wife. 

Drew in Lincoln Nebraska wants to know how come you haven't posted Power Rankings since your Light Blue Squad lost to the Purple team?

Big Rich:  That's simple Drew.  I did not want to drop Light Blue in the rankings.  But since we are on the subject of Intramural basketball lets talk final four. 

Game 1 Yellow vs Purple
You could not pick a better storyline for these last three games of intramurals.  On one side we have Jared Henry's team that was chosen to finish high at the beginning of the season but never lived up to the expectations until the first round of the playoffs.  This team has something going for it that no other team has.  Edgar.  Volleyball season is over and Edgar was ballin out of control in the first round.  If he gets it going he is literally unstoppable.  If Yellow is smart they will let him touch the ball every time down the court.  How well Edgar plays will determine who wins this game.  Purple has alot to do with how welll Edgar plays.  If they can dictate the tempo with their defense look for this undefeated team to take their spotless record to the championship game.  I can't wait to see this game tomorrow night.

Game 2 Light Blue vs Maroon
You could argue that Light Blue had their best game of the season vs Maroon in their first game.  These teams match up pretty evenly.  It all comes down to what strategy these teams implement.  We all know that Light Blue is going to start off in man to man defense and play you straight up.  What we don't know is what Maroon is going to do offensively and defensively.  Offensively are they going to pound it down low or are they going to shoot threes from the perimeter?  Defensively are they going to play man to man and risk Richard blowing up or are they going to play zone and risk rebounding and three point shooting.  Whatever the case may be I think we will see both of these team's best game.  It should be a good one.  Demion vs Richard round 4 (since last year) Who wants it more?

Big Rich:  I just want to thank everyone who comes and checks my blog out.  I hope you can occasionally find something that you like.  I love doing it.  These two years have been very fun for me.  Who knows how long I can keep this up.  Look for the LTP picnic on the 23rd of April.  God Bless


Emily said...

I think Earl from Louisville and I should have a LTP picnic of our own in KY. In fact, if I didn't have to do the church service with my students, I'd be takin a personal day and flying to Nebraska just for that mug. Happy Birthday LTP.

Melissa R said...

Everyone knows you're lactose intolerant. Don't play.