Saturday, March 12, 2011


  • I just got back from the biggest church in Curitiba Brazil.
  • There are 127 churches in Curititba.
  • This city has a little over 2 million people living in it.
  • I'm thinking that Kansas City has about 20 churches with the same amount of people.
  • One thing I noticed is that there are not very many old people that go to church here.
  • Mostly young people go to church and the old people stay home.
  • It is the opposite where I am from.
  • If young people are going to bring about Jesus's second coming I am thinking that this movement will not be in the United States.
  • That makes me sad.
  • Also only rich people go to Mcdonalds here.  
  • Feliz Sabado!

1 comment:

Paradise said...

We need mo youf in our churches!