Friday, March 4, 2011

Bullet Points

  • So we play Maroon and Tuesday night.  We made it to the final four!  Demion vs Rich round two.  Get your popcorn ready.
  • Tonight a kid came to late night wearing pants and he ripped me...he was wearing pants.
  • I came home and drank a half gallon of silk milk.  My head is pounding from the lack of water.  I don't care.
  • Saturday night is the Union Talent show.  Union's got talent people.
  • The Taco Bell at 70th and Pioneers is the worst Taco Bell in the world.
  • I am going to Brazil next week.  I am not happy about it.  I am going to miss the first two rounds of the tournament.  And yes if I had the choice I wouldn't go because I love me some college basketball.
  • Maybe God knows that KU is going to lose and so he is sending me to Brazil so I don't have to watch it and kill myself.
  • Who is ready for some Royals baseball?
  • Everybody think's Charlie Sheen is hilarious but what are we going to think when he turns up dead next week?
  • Just saw that they are going to do a documentary on the fab 5 when I am in Brazil.  I hate my life.
  • I am going to do a mailbag soon.  Send your questions to


G Creek said...

Dude....I'll go to Brazil for you. I'll just grab my LTP "shirt" and no one will know the difference.

andrew_wilson said...

No dap, no dap.