Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How I know

Natalie plays many things close to the vest.  She will not get overly excited.  She will not be overly sad.  When I asked her if she was going to miss me on my trip to Brazil she told me that she was going to miss the same as if I had gone to Kansas City.  Then we were lying in bed before she went to sleep and she starts asking me these questions.
Are you bringing comfortable shoes?
What pants are you bringing?
What about a light jacket?
Do you have pills?
What if you poop in your pants because of the water?
Are you going to drink the water?
You need to take alot of underwear.
Have you thought about any of this?
Are you bringing a hat?
It slowly started sinking in that I was going to be very far away.  I go from coast to coast and she thinks nothing of it.  But not being able to call her anytime I want is something scary to me.  


Miriam said...

:( Be safe buddy.

YCY said...

What I believe you have missed in all those questions that she asked is the following:

I may not show a lot of emotion. I may say that I will miss you as much as when you go to Kansas City. In my heart I am thinking of you and want you to be safe and prepared for anything. I am thinking of the things you do not think about, because l love you. I am not going to be there, so I am thinking of all the things you might need, because I will not be there to look after you.

You missed the fact that she is thinking of everything that will make this trip safe and happy for you. All the things that your mother use to do for you. I am so happy you have a wonderful wife that is thinking of everything that could go wrong and everything that you might need so that your trip will be pleasant for you.

What will your mother be doing during your trip? I know your mother quite well. I have no doubt that she will be lifting you up in prayer many times a day and will be counting the days until she can hear your voice on the phone coming from Nebraska. She is absolutely crazy about you. A love that you cannot understand.

Melissa R said...

Your mom said it perfectly.
You have a wonderful wife. :)

Anonymous said...

your mom is awesome. that note almost made me well up. real talk, my brotha. be safe.