Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yellow beats Light Blue like a red headed stepchild and wins Championship.

Two conversations popped into my head after the butt whipping we received tonight.  But first let me tell you what happened.  Yellow outplayed us right from the beginning of the game.  We could not hit a shot.  They could not miss a shot.  Someone once said that you can't win a game in the first half, but you sure can lose one.  That is what happened to us tonight.  Jared Henry brought his squad in to the thunderdome ready to play.  Light Blue did not have what it took to be champions.  We outscored them by 1 point in the second half and we still got hammered.  We were embarrassed and that sometimes happens.  We had a good squad this year, just not good enough tonight.
As I was sitting on the bench after the game thinking about the busted game plan the first conversation I thought of was one that I had with my boy Adam before the game.  Adam and I are both competitive dudes that hate to lose.  We were talking about how we look at the game of basketball now and how it has changed in our mind.  He was telling me it is different now because we see the "big picture".  We are still competitive but not to the point where  we don't care about how people feel.  When the game is over win or lose we go home to our house.  He said "even if you lose the game tonight it's just another game of basketball intramurals".  I tried to agree with him but in the back of my mind I was saying to myself "yeah but we are fittin to win this mug" I always believe that we are going to win and I always think that I am going to play well.  I don't think that will change anytime soon.
 Back to me sitting on the bench after the game thinking about what had taken place. I thought about all the times I have lost .  I have played basketball intramurals every year since 2003.  I have won twice.  Last year with Jason and the historic "Dis House" team in 2005.  Which means that I have lost...a lot.  Which takes me to the other conversation that popped into my head as I was sitting on the bench.  My freshman year I was on a flag football team with my friend Mikey.  After we lost in the playoffs we were all standing around complaining about the game and generally feeling bad about the loss when Mikey said something that I will never forget.  He looked up at us and said "well...that sucked...i'm going home to have sex with my wife".

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