Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Handwriting Analysis

On the day that I interviewed for the internship in the enrollment department at Union College I was asked to write a paragraph on why I would be the best person for the job.  I was told that my paragraph might be analyzed by a professional.  I had no idea what that meant.  All I knew was that I had the worst handwriting in the world.  I still do.  It is not legible.  I can't read it, I get embarrassed if anyone else has to.  Once during my freshman year I turned in a handwritten assignment to my professor.  He took one look at it and told me to go up to the computer lab and type it out.  "But the assignment is due today."  "That's fine, I'll give you an extension."  When I was a student teacher I would never write on the white board because that would bring shame upon my family.  I can just see my mother getting a letter that I wrote her and then promptly falling on a sword.  It's for these reasons that I was terrified of writing this paragraph.
There was another reason that I wasn't to excited about writing a paragraph explaining why I was the best person for the job.  I was nervous about getting the right balance.  When you are interviewing for a job you want to be confident but you don't want to sound cocky and arrogant.  You don't want to leave any doubt in the mind of the employer, but you also don't want to come across like you are in love with yourself.  So far in my life I have been able to come across in the right way.  I have never interviewed for a job and not have it offered to me ( this arrogance?)  When I sat down to write the paragraph there was a mixture of confidence in my skills and terror in my ability to write anything that could be read.  It took me a good twenty minutes to write that paragraph.  Every single letter was written very slowly.  I made sure that somebody would be able to read it.  I have no idea what I talked about in that paragraph.  I am pretty sure I thought I would be the man for the job. When I was finished I was told to put the paper in an envelope and leave it there.
Months later for some reason I was reminded about that paragraph.  I went to my boss and I asked him if he was able to read what I wrote and if that had helped me get hired.  "I didn't even read it."  "What do you mean?  Why did I even do it then?"  "Well I didn't read it but somebody did.  I sent it to a psychiatrist in Texas and your handwriting was analyzed."  This made me nervous.  "Do I want to know what it says about me?"  "Sure, do you want to see it?"  If any of you have ever done a handwriting analysis of yourself or any kind of analysis of yourself you know that it's kind of a scary thing.  You want to know about yourself.  But what if the analysis says that you are a pretty lousy person?  What if it reveals all of your insecurities?  What if it breaks you down all the way to the fact that you are just a bootsy person?  These are the kind of scary thoughts you have when you are being analyzed.  He gave me the piece of paper.  I read it.  I took it home that afternoon and that night I read it to my girlfriend.  She was shocked about how accurate it was.  "You didn't need to write anything down for me to know that stuff about you."
On Tuesday afternoon I was going through things in my basement trying to clean up.  I ran across that piece of paper that the psychiatrist had sent back analyzing me.  I don't know very much about handwriting analysis.  It is very intriguing to me.  I don't know how your mind tells you subliminally to write letters a certain way.  I don't know why someone would slant their sentences up.  I don't know why leaving a big space here and a small space there can tell you something about yourself.  It is fascinating.  What I do believe is that it is pretty accurate.  I believe that as you change your handwriting will change.  If you aren't a confident person at a certain point in your life your handwriting will look different when you are confident.
This analysis was done six years ago so maybe it is different today maybe it is the same.  Here is what the paper said.

Richard Young
Moody, but not a problem for this job
Hidden anger that might explode under pressure.  This can be healed.
Can be persuasive
Make a good recruiter
Sets practical goals
Irritable at himself
Can be cocky.  Vanity.  Strong ego.  Could be helpful if kept in check.
Can be generous.
Can be very frank
Wants to star on the team

Wow this guy has no idea what he is talking about. Am I right!!!    
Ok maybe this guy might have been on to something.  Maybe a couple of those are accurate...probably two or three...who's to say anyway....
Ok from what my girlfriend told me six years ago and from what my wife tells me today (same person) the doc was keepin it one hundred when he analyzed me.  I think the only way to describe this is creepy.  But it is what it is.
For the most part I knew all of those things about myself.  A goal of mine is to be very self aware.  I don't know if I have made it there.  I know that I try.  I try to be honest with myself on all of my successes and my short comings.  And just like every human I know I have many short comings.  In order to keep growing as a person I try to look at myself and keep my good traits while trying to get rid of my bad traits.  Over the next few days/weeks I will be going over this list and writing a little something about each one of those traits.  I understand that nobody wants to read me analyzing me on here so I am going to just try to write a little bit about my struggle and what I have learned from it.  Maybe you will be able to learn something about yourself if you have some of the same characteristics.  I  think my goal in the end is to be able to write something that would encourage and uplift.  I want to work on myself and be the best version of myself.  This way I can help others and glorify God.


Trina said...

Holy cow, I got chills reading that--spot on. Based on a handwriting sample! Agh, I'm glad Rob didn't make me do that. Why am I scared that someone could have me that figured out without knowing me?

Unknown said...

I look forward to reading your future posts on this, bro. :)

Paradise said...

Best post you've had in a minute. That makes a great talk for students.

karategirl88 said...

I was very fascinated with your experience. Thanks for sharing!

D CRESS said...


Logan said...

Intriguing bro. Constant seeking of God really humbles me or at least has started to.

Taryn R. said...

I still have mine too and it is super accurate still. So weird huh?