Sunday, January 31, 2010

Midwest Vs. Westcoast the age old question by Ferrari F50 (Chase Tikker)

Spending four years at Union College gave me a good idea of what Midwest life is really like. After packing up my wagon and burning every bridge possible, I pioneered like my forefathers out to Loma Linda, CA. Yes, that Loma Linda. The Adventist Mecca your parents have probably been too but you have only heard about from others. Here’s what life is really like:

1. Climate – I played golf a week ago. Outside. 18 holes. Oldest club course in California. In the middle of January. I went home that day a little sunburned and sweaty. Unless you are from Northern Minnesota, you probably aren’t going to be doing much golfing in Lincoln between the months of November through March. It’s a dry heat down here, so even the simmering summers of 110° aren’t muggy like they are in Lincoln. Right now, its 70° and sunny. In ya face, Lincoln.
2. Entertainment – Last weekend, I knew a group of friends who drove an hour and went snowboarding. Last weekend, I knew a group of friends who drove an hour and went surfing. Last weekend, I knew a group of friends who drove an hour and went rock climbing. Extreme sports not your thing? Are you tired of the fact that the best athlete you watch on a regular basis is a toss-up between Shawn Perry and Zach Watkins? How about the world-class athletes who play a little over an hour away? Kobe, LT, Becks. I’ve made it to Vegas in 3 hours, several times. Art and cute little shops more your thing? Museums, bazaars, historical landmarks are aplenty, or so I’m told.
3. Opportunity – Most of you know what I’m saying when I say “Opportunity”. Fellas, there are so many dimers down here, its crazy. Ladies, there are so many studs down here, its crazy. I’m not saying everyone looks like a model, but I am saying that since there are so many people down here, the number of beautiful people is proven to be higher. It’s science. All different shapes, sizes, ages, races, professions, personalities. “Oh you just want to be friends?” Me too. “Oh you want to be more than friends?” Me too. Maybe its just being in a different location finally, but this is truly the land of opportunity, for both sexes.

So to wrap this mug up in a timely fashion, let me say this. I loved my time at Union, please believe. I don’t miss the school but I do miss the people. But hopefully we all graduate (Log, Jason O), and maybe you didn’t get that job at Union Bank / Saint E’s you were hoping for. Or maybe that special relationship didn’t end up with a rock. Whatever the reason you find yourself with no path after graduation. My advice: go West. Get my number from one of the two kids at Union who still have it and I’ll get you set up for life. Hey, it worked out for me… (single and barely a minimally paid- intern).

Editor's note: Thanks for the article Chase. We miss you in Lincoln. Nobody on the team is rocking those shinguards anymore. And after this article went to press Zach Watkins quit the team. So now we are left with just Shawn. And to anyone interested in getting their opinon on the small world hit me up. God Bless.


Katherine Guerra Britton said...

The thing is that... if there are so many fine dimes and hot studs over there...why are you still single? Also, I just finished watching "The book of Eli" and he was saying to go west..soo... I guess it's a sign from Jesus...tikaroo, wait for me, i'm coming.

Unknown said...

I think Chase is still single because he's having a hard time narrowing it I right, Chase? I know that has been the case for me.

Anonymous said...

I think Chase has his narrowed down to girls though Jimmy....In ya face!
