Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Day

Dad's are very important.  When I think of what makes a good dad I think of two things.  Number one he has to realize that he is the example.  Everything he does whether he knows it or not is watched by his children.  I did not realize how much of an example my dad was to me until I got married.  In my first year of marriage I caught myself  thinking about how my dad would have done things.  How he would have handled a situation.  Only then did I realize the influence that my dad had on my life.  I realized how important a father is. The second thing a dad has to do is be loving.  How he treats his wife and his children says so much.  My dad has always shown so much love to the people in his family.  It is what makes us all so confident.  Thankyou Dr. Young, Abuelito and Grandpop for being great men, husbands, and fathers.  You have led us by your example.

Mikeydise's favorite Tom Young photo


YCY said...

I love all these pictures!

You have a fabulous father.

I agree with everything you wrote.

You are a blessed and fortunate young man.

Paradise said...

The beauty of that photo is the fact that while everything is dwindling down, the Dr. keeps going strong.

He is an inspiration to me too.

Elissa said...

I LOVE these pictures. And I love to picnic.