Thursday, June 24, 2010

General Conference Bullet Points #2

  • Today a woman told me that my english is better then my spanish.  Thanks lady.
  • It's weird being around so many Adventists.  You can use the terms "Vespers", "Special K Loaf", and "Traveling Mercies" and not have to worry if people understand what you are saying.
  • Got to catch up with Aaron Purkeypile.  He is actually sitting in my hotel room with me right now.  Get out Aaron.  I got a big day tomorrow.
  • After walking around the exibit hall I came to the conclusion that as a group Adventists are musty.
  • Today I rode the Marta for the first time since I went to the Circus in 1992.
  • If you are wondering what to eat at the GC they are selling take out containers filled with ice berg lettuce for 9 dollars.
  • Someone came up and complemented me on the Union booth.  I turned and yelled in their face "PLEASE BELIEVE DAT".
  • So far no sightings of Young Jeezy, Luda, Usher, Michael Vick, Outkast, Jennifer LaMountain, or Steve Darmody.  This GC is wak.
  • I take it back the Heritage Singers are holding down the fort Adventist Celebrity wise.
  • I lost $20 to Rich Carlson when Jan Paulsen lost a race to a ten year old on our rock wall.  You got to bring more then that Jan! 


Paradise said...

We all here!!!......Dang it.

Emily Carlson said...

i want to see a full picture of the UC booth...

we're living vicariously through the picnic. give the people what they want!

Anonymous said...

you know the UC booth is all my design concept right? I had to brag, it looks so good.

Anonymous said...

is CUC or Walla Walla the new Washington Adventist University? So confusing.

Melissa R said...

Iptdafoo - yeah...I hear ya...the Washington bit is just messed up. If you're not in Washington, don't try to act like you are.
Those were worthwhile bullet points. Legit.
I love that Danielle made an appearance here. I wanna see a bit of WWU though.
Nate looks weird in Newbold gear.

Miriam said...

One day a complete stranger sitting on a city train is not gonna like you pulling out your camera. But that day was obviously not today cause the guy in the blue shirt kinda posed for you.

Andrew D Wilson said...

WAU...holla! They didn't want to be called Columbia Union University, and because Washington D.C. is a legit town that people recognize. Too bad they couldn't use that picture of me from fellowhip of the picnic.

JB said...

Wow...GC be hoppin!!! Do me a favor and get a slick pic of Sam Leonor for me?? Then again...maybe you should get Chavez to do it. He's one smooth SDA paparazzi!