Monday, December 20, 2010

Videos of the Year!

Here are my top 10 Lovestopicnic videos of the year 2010.  There were so many good ones that maybe one of your favorites (I'm probably just talking to my mom) didn't make the cut. I have talked to some experts and some people close to the Blee O G and this is the list that the staff at LTP has come up with.  But first here are a few that just missed out. 

Honorable Mention
We did several retakes of this video.  Buell was by far the best in this version.  He just shouldn't have mentioned DAA first (no disrespect DAA)

Big Rich on the mic, Mphergy doin her thing, Zelda on the 1's and 2's.  Musical magic.  Also this was taken at the first annual LTP picnic

Do I get Crunk when I watch this video?  L yeah!!!

Ok here is the list
10.  Daniel Cress Cribs
This is one of my favorite videos of the year for two reasons.  One is that Daniel Cress acted it out perfectly and we only needed one take for this masterpiece.  Two is that Briley really is cute.

9.  IPT in the basement
I have treasured these word of wisdom.  I will take them to the grave with me.  Also I like the way IPT comes out of nowhere.

8.  Happy Birthday Mrs. Ferguson
She's Seventh day Adventist  so she don't wear rings.  Watch Michael's face at the end.  Also Dr. Tom Young was like Steven Spielberg on this piece.

7. Tour of Enrollment Services
Molly had a bad attitude all year...I miss her.

6.  I don't give a flip anymore
I was actually in alot of pain after this game.  Making stupid videos is how I ease the pain.  That and eating milk products till I....Shout out to Trey.  He is up for best supporting actor for this video.

5.  Mikeydise spits it nice
A little back story on this video...Mikeydise is the sickest rapper alive.

4. Columbia Mall
Everyone tells me they like this video better then the original.  I know why.  Cause I can dance baby!!!

3. The Double Down
A little back story on how this happened.  Logan and I were driving around and he decided that he wanted chicken...magic baby.  Logan did not have a heart attack but I almost puked on him after watching him eat that.

2.  SMALACK!!!
I was going to put the Season Finale video up.  But then someone told me that they just like to watch me getting slapped.  Sadly out of all my videos this one has the most views.  People genuinely hate me.

1.  Purple Pants Dance
I have shown this video at weddings, funerals, after vespers get togethers, class functions and all other types of events and it never gets old.  This is the epitome of what LTP is all about.  This video is LTP.


Melissa R said...

You better believe I paused my TV show to watch every single video in this lineup. Well played.

YCY said...

How is it that you are your mother's son? I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

HA HA. I love YCY's comments. My mom feels the same way about me.

I can watch that Log-Big Rich dance off all day long. Mad skillz.