Monday, July 27, 2009


I don't know what it is but I have been having alot of different thoughts lately. Maybe its the drugs. I hope not cause I like some of these thoughts. When I found out that the Beatles used drugs as inspiration to some of their best songs it made me sad. Where all those ideas in their heads to begin with. Did marijuana just open them up and set those ideas free. How do I get to some of my best ideas. Are they locked up and the only way to get to them is take 2 Oxycontin every four to six hours. I really like the idea of being creative. I have never thought of myself as a creative person. I've thought that I'm cool but not as a person who has his own interesting thoughts that when put together are something that no one has ever seen or heard about before. I am not original either. So much of my stuff is borrowed. I read alot about comedians, musicians, and artists. I like to find out where they get their inspiration. How they put things together. I want to know how their minds work so I can make my mind work like theirs so I can come up with brilliant, original things. Anyway here are some thoughts.

1. I love this blog. I really wonder if anyone looks at it. I hope people do because I do put alot of time into doing it. I think about it alot. I want it to be a good mixture of things that would interest every kind of person. I think that my job is just to find the interesting things and put them on here so everyone can see them without going through the hassle of looking them up themselves. I guess its also a way that I can show my creativity. There are days when I go to sleep and I feel especially proud of it. Like the other day Miriam commented that my blog was hilarious and she told me that she read it out loud to Ted and he thought it was funny to. That stuff feels great. If you enjoy this blog don't hesitate to comment cause that is what keeps it goin.

2. Maybe you are not into sports but for me they really bring me alot of joy. I love just reading about sports and keeping up day to day with what is going on. Knowing what is happening is so important to me. There is always something to look forward to. I love hearing every one's opinion and deciding on my own.

3. I don't read any fiction. I watch enough movies and tv shows that i feel like reading fiction would shortchange all of the amazing things that have happened in this world that I don't know about. Why should I read a story that someone made up when I can read the true story of amazing people and what they did to change the world.

4. I never thought that I was that into music. I come from a very musical family but I always thought that music didn't interest me. I realize now that music is such a huge part of my life. Listening to it, evaluating it, critiquing it. I love all kinds of music. I will listen to anything. You have probably noticed that if you have been reading this blog.

5. Now that I am out of college learning is more important to me. I want to learn something everyday. I just want to read and soak it in. I want to be smart.

6. If I could pick one attribute to have that a women have that I don't I would pick doin two things at one time. How do they do that stuff. I can barely do one thing at one time. I want to be able to read and watch a movie and have a conversation. Or maybe just chew and think.

7. I want to trust God. I want to never doubt him.


Andrew D Wilson said...
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Andrew D Wilson said...

what up, I like this blog. And I'm glad you keep it on the recent, cuz you know I'm readin daily. I'm sure you have heard of it, but is a good blog. Pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog several times a day. I love that you keep it current, and I don't have to wait for weeks to read and see something different.

I have read things that I don't understand about you. I have also read things that have inspired me about you.

You should write about your mother. I bet she is pretty awesome.